The presentation 🤪

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Also, a lot of canon stuff doesn't apply here (for example, Heather, Lindsay and Beth are besties 😝😝)

It was a normal day at wawanakwa high. Not like any day is ever normal, but whatever. In classroom 1b Chris was sat at his desk, supporting his broken arm with his other as the students came sauntering in one by one. Amy, followed by Beth, Lindsay, Courtney and many more.

Chris cleared his throat and stood up as soon as everyone was seated "Right, hello guys. Today we are going to be doing something...unique." He paused, as if he was waiting for a reply.
"I tried it with a different class and it went very well, so i might as well try it with you"

"Ooh!!" Squealed Beth "Is it acting again?"

"NO! NEVER AGAIN" Chris' mind wandered back to the horrid day Beth and Lindsay performed to him. Even his bones were cringing.

"Awh, i wish it was" Came the disappointed reply from Lindsay. "Can we pleeasseee do it again? Me and Beth were like, totes amazing!"

If Chris had heard that then he ignored it. Instead, he continued to explain

"Anyway, today you are going to be getting into groups of two or three and you will be making a presentation to convince me of something. It can be whatever, as long as its appropriate, but it needs to be convincing and impressive. Understand?"
Everyone nodded, and Chris retreated back to his seat.

"Hey, does anyone want to be my partner?" Courtney scanned the classroom. Her answer came from Amy
"Sure!! You seem pretty cool. I'm Amy by the way"
"Great" She grinned "I'm Courtney"

On the other side of the room Lindsay and Beth had formed a group. As well as Ennui and Samey, who had both turned up late yet were already discussing what there topic was going to be. Each group collected a laptop and began to work.

"So, Lindsay, do you have any ideas on what we should do?"
"Yeah!! We should totes make a presentation about how Chris and Chef are in love!!"
"Wow Lindsay!! You are soo smart!"
While the two girls were busy obsessing over each other Amy and Courtney were racking their brains in the corner.
"We need it to be impressive.." Courtney's voice was stern, making it obvious that she enjoyed taking the leadership role "I need to get an A+"
"Well...I mean...Lindsay and Beth were talking about how successful they were with the Chris and Chef performance. Maybe we should try do something like that?"
Courtney smiled, her eyes lighting up "That's a great idea Amy, I like the way you think!"
"Also- we should find photos of whoever Chef is and photoshop photos with him and Chris-"
She paused, contemplating how silly the idea was for a second. Then she just laughed, and Courtney joined in.

The atmosphere was rather different when it came to Ennui and Sammy. They had already thought of a topic and Sammy was aggressively typing whilst Ennui lay his head down on the desk.

After another thirty minutes or so Heather showed up, strutting into the room, as well as Cody who instantly went to his desk.
"What are we doing today Chris?"

"Heather" Chris sighed. It was pointless arguing or getting mad over the fact she was late so he just left it "Partner up, make a presentation blah blah blah. Just go with Beth or something"

At the sound of her name Beth stuck her head up. When she spotted Heather she waved and requested that she come sit beside both girls.
"Hii Heather!! We are making a presentation about Chris and Chef being in love! We've almost finished but we are gonna do a performance - like the other day - about a Chref wedding!!" Lindsay spoke
"That's great!" Heather smiled, re-applying her lipgloss "I'll be the priest, is that okay?"
"Sure. I'm Chris and Lindsay is Chef"

"Chris, can I work on my own?" Cody looked a little awkward, but relieved when Chris agreed to let him to it alone.

"Times up everyone!!" Chris stood up, making his way to the front of the room where he could see everyone. A few sighed, though Beth, Lindsay and Heather didn't seem too bothered.
"So...who wants to go first?"

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