The locks

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Heather opened the door to her room and was quick to lock it again. She went to dump her bags down but froze suddenly.
"Heather? What's up? Everyone's saying your dead."
Courtney was knocking at the door. Courtney.
Oh god, what do I do?!
Think, Heather, Think.
"I'am? Who's Heather, I don't know a Heather"
Courtney sighs and puts on her 'lawyer voice'.
"My apologies ma'am. I must be confused. Anyway, I am here to inspect the room and electricity due to some complaints. May I enter?"
Heather pulled up her hood
"Alright, but I'm going to the bathroom"
She grabbed her stuff and hurled it into the bathroom. Then she unlocked the door and dived in after her bag, making sure to lock it as well.
She sat and waited, practically holding her breath. Then finally Courtney left. Though - she didn't actually leave. She pretended to lock the door then snuck over to the bed and waited on it.
Trust your instinct Heather. Don't risk it, it's too dangerous.
She began to apply some makeup.

"Heather, I'm not mad."
"Get the hell out!! I told you' I'm not Heather!!"
Courtney giggled a little, but covered her mouth to stop it.
" need to improve on your fake voices."
"Get out before I call the cops!!"
Heather's hands were shaky, yet she took a deep breath.
She began counting down.
"Alright" Courtney said hesitantly. Heather could hear her leave. "But I'm here if you want to talk."
After a few seconds Heather opened the door and ran over to her bed. She collapsed on it. After five minutes, Heather was about to fall asleep when she was awoken by a knock. She grunted, clearly annoyed, and walked over to the door. There was a note on the floor so she gradually picked it up and read it.

Hey, is everything ok? What's going on? I am always here for you and you can trust me

Heather eventually had to bite her tongue and give in. She opened the door in annoyance.
"Fine, come in. But hurry! I clearly have a lot of explaining to do."

Heather told Courtney everything.

This roleplay gave me total traumaWhere stories live. Discover now