-01- "So you did come?"

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I woke up to my brother shaking me lightly.

"Y/n?" he asked

"What..?" I rub some of the sleep from my eyes.

"Get ready we are going shopping for clothes for the ceremony."

"What time is it?"

"1 pm" he says I noticed the cup of water by my bed. My brother walked out of my room and closed my door. There was a note leaning on the cup. I sat up and read it.

'Here hermana/hermano I thought you might want something to drink when you wake up enjoy.

Love your big bro.'
I smile at it and put it in my jar of sweet notes that I have gotten from others. I pick up the glass of water and tap a sip. It helped alot with my cotton mouth. I finished the water an got up to take a shower. After I got dressed and brush my teeth and hair. My hermano was waiting in the kitchen for me and he made two sandwiches. He gave one to me and head out. We went to the closest clothes shop.

I went over to the dresses. (Or suits)
I pick out two I really liked and went to the changing rooms. I put one on and walk out. I asked my brother if it looked okay and he smiles.

"That one is nice but you should try on the other on before you decide." I nod and go back into the changing rooms. I put on the other one and step out.

"That one is more suitable for your style." he claimed. I think so too. He picked out a dark blue suit an we go to cheek out.

"That will be 38.99" my brother tales out the money and hands it to the cashier. He puts it in a bag and we head back home.

I relax as much as i can before we have to go.

At about 7 we started getting ready. I look out the window as the sun started to set. We started to walk to the familla Madrigal house hold. As we got closer I saw that Mr shapeshifter was greeting everyone. We got up to him and he greets my brother first who went straight in and just kinda left me. He trusts me not to get into trouble. Camilo and me make eye contact and he grins as he put his hand out. I shake his hand and he looks me up and down.

"Ahem." I get his attention as his cheeks flash pink.

"So you did come?" he says

"I'm right in front of you aren't I?" I say he scoffed.

He turned into me.
"I'm right in front of you aren't I?" he mimicked me.

"Damn you want to be me that bad?" I say with a smirk. I feel him starring into my soul as I walk away. I know I pissed him off with that comment. But do I care? No.

I explore the place a little and I find this balcony. I watch the fireworks explode. It was peaceful. Until I heard someone clear their throat. I tune around to see Mr shapeshifter leaning on the doorframe with his hands in the front pockets of his pants.

"Do you need something..?" I ask
He smiles generally.

"I guess you found my favorite spot when i need to clear my head." he says walking over to my side and he leans on the railing. This dude likes leaning on stuff I guess.

"Hey y'know I'm still kinda curious about the other day, why were you upset?" I ask.
He freezed up.

"I kinda got overwhelmed, so many people were asking for help and I just couldn't take it." he explains. I nod.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 20, 2022 ⏰

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