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Cale sighed for what felt the hundredth time that afternoon. Je still couldnt believe it.

Earlier today Cale was watching everyone train as he usual did, but for some reason Eruhaben, Raon, and lock were looking at him weirdly.

Lock was looking at him as if he had grown two heads, Raon looked at him in disbelief and Eruhaben looked at him curiously.

When he finally confronted the three he was left with shocked by a revelation, that revelation being him pregnant.

Witch explained the looks he got from the three but he still couldn't believe what he had just learned.

And now he has to figure out a way to not only protect himself but also his baby. It also didn't helo that the father of his child was none other then his butler.

Thats right Cale henitsu the trash of the Henitsu family slept with his 60 year old butler, but what could he say, Ron was good, scarily good might he add.

If Cale didn't want to be involved in the war before he definitely doesnt want to now. So he made a plan.

It was simple really Cale was finally gonna depart from his scary group, and unfortunately from the children too. Cale was going to start packing things away in his bag not enough to raise suspicion but just enough, then slowly he would pack food away though not much as the soon to be older brother of his child and chef would start investigating everyone he woulf also pack as much moneh as he wants as no one would really notice or care since everyone by now knows of his love for money.

So for the course of the next few weeks he did just that. He pretended everything was normal and kept to his usual schedule snd at night when he was sure everyone was asleep he got ready.

A fee weeks yave past fortunately thanks to the sipressants he was able to hide his pregnancy now that his scent eas changing.

Eruhaben, Raon, and Lock would look at him weirdly when they realized this but he did not care.

Finally after weeks of waiting the time has arrived. The night before Cale was supposed to go and meet up with Alberu, Latina, Witira, Beckets representitve and Harold(forgot his name ngl) he put his plan into motion.

As everyone slept he walked out of the villa and back into the Dark forest. He gave the boulder leading towards the Villa one last look before disapearing into the wind.


The next morning was chaos inside the villa. At first everyone woke up and started on thier now daily routine but they felt something was ominouse. Suddenly they heard Raon, Hong and On rushing downstairs "The weak human is missing!" Raon yelled urgently.

Everyone stopped what they were doing even Eruhaben started to lay attention. "He isnt upstairs!" Hong said.

Everyone immediately started to look around for the young master, but he was no where to be found.

Ron and Eruhaben then went to the meeting themselves to tell the leaders of what's happened while the rest went out into the dark forest look for Cale.


Cale smiled at the people infront of him awkwardly. Cale didn't really know who else to turn too. He knew this would be the option snd as long as he could convince them to tale the Elemenal oath he would be avle to stay safe here until his child was born.

Tasha was having an inner turmoil on one hand she wanted to help the Cale on the other Cale did disappear without a trace and the dark elves might be blamed once they found out where he was.

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