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"Just a little more keep pushing for a while longer" Eruhaben instructed.

Currently Cale laid on his bed, Eruhaben between his legs helping guide the baby out, Rosalyn next to him, Ron sitting next to Cale on the bed, and Beacrox by the door making sure no one comes in.

"YOU SAID THAT AN HOUR AGO!" Cale shouted, Eruhaben just ignored him.

"Ron I swear to God im gonna castrate you for putting this baby inside of me!" Cale yelled furiously while grabbing onto Ron's hand for dear life.

Ron happily smiled at him knowing it was one of the many empty threats Cale had said to him in the past hour.

"I see the head" Eruhaben infromed them.

"Just Push a little harder Cale you are almost there" Ron whispered into Cale's ear.

Cale did as told and kept pushing.

Finally after another few minutes the heard crying, "a baby was welcomed into the wrold" Eruhaben said cleaning the baby gently.

"Today is November 23, of (insert year), congratulations Young Master Cale-nim and Ron its a beautiful baby boy"

Cale smiled gently at Rosalyn's word. He then looked towards Eruhaben who was walking closer to him to hand him the baby.

"Bearon" Cale whispered to the baby, "Bearon?" Ron looked at him questionable, Cale turned towards Beacrox who was looking at them from the door, "After his big brother."

Beacrox smiled happily from the door before moving closer to them,

"Thank you Cale"

Cale looked at Ron confused, "Thank you for giving us a Family" Beacrox continued for his father.

Cale smiled gently at the two, suddenly three heavey things landed on Cale's bed, "Look! Our knew brother is here" On exclaimed happily.

Raon and Hong stared at the child in Cale's arms excitedly, "Human our knew brother is weaker then you!"

Hong nodded in agreement witj Raon, "He's a baby thats why"   Eruhaben explained to Raon, "All baby especially human babys are weak"

Raon nodded in understanding and looked back at the baby,.

"Aw I wanted him to be a girl" On pouts though contrary to her words her tail still wagged with excitement.

Cale chuckled at the three before turning baby towards them, "His name is Bearon, and as his opder siblings you must not only protect eachother but him as well"

The three nodded, "Yes I the mighty Raon will protect Bearon just like I will protect you Human."

Cale smiled at Raon enthusiasm before handing the baby towards Ron, "It's your turn now"

Ron happily took the baby in his arms and expertly held him in a comfortable postition, "He has a mix of both mine and you hair Cale"

Ron pointed out as he touched the small stranding of hair on Bearon's head, "Red with a few strands of brown, with our eyes father" Beacrox observed.

Beacrox took his glove off to touch the baby's hand, small hands wrapped around his larger fingers, Beacrox smiled happily at the sight.

"Ah, young Master your family has arrived" Hans said as he opened the door to Cale's room.

"Ah, tell them to come in then"

Hans nodded and left the room again. A few moments later the door opened again and in came four familiar figures.

"Father, Mother, Basen, Lily its nice to see you all again"

"Hyung-nim" both Lily and Basen said in union comeing closer towards Cale.

Cale smiled at them and introduced them to Bearon.

Deruth and Violan stared at the them from the door, Deruth has alot of confused feelings about the situation, on one hand he's happy he has a granchild on the other he's not so happy about who the father is and how theyve kept this form them until  a few hours ago.

Violan on the other hand was more calm about the situation, she was happy Cale found someone to love and cherish.

"Congratulations Cale and Ron, the child is beautiful"

"Thank you mother"

Deruth gave a few fake coughs, "Yes congratulations son"

Cale smiled at him gently.

"Let's all leave for now, and let Cale rest"

Everyone agreed with Eruhaben's statement and quickly left the room. Ron layed Bearon in his crib and gave Cale a kiss before leaving aswell.


3 years later

"Raon stop using magic on the bearon" Cale lectured as he grabbed the flying 2 year old soon to be 3.

"But he likes it!" Raon whined.

Cale sighed at the now 7 year old. Bearon looked up at his father and giggled "Daddy" the toddler said happily.

Cale pinched the childs cheek, "Don't even think about trying to helo him" Bearon giggled even more at his fathers reaction.

Cale then felt a pair of arms wrap around him, "Papa" the child reached up to his other father. "Father" Beacrox welcomed from where he sat on the floor near the.

"Hello little one" Ron said petting the boys head smiling. Cale leaned back into Ron's chest, "When did you get back?"

"Just a few moments ago" Ron had left a week ago to male sure nothing out of the ordinary was happening in the kingdoms with Choi Han and Hannah.

Cale placed Bearon down so that he could play with Raon and Beacrox again, this time keeping an eye on all of them.

"Nothing happened?" "No" Ron whispered kissing Cales shoulder.

Cale sighed happily at the affection leaning his head towards the opposite side to give him more room.

Ron chuckled at the obvious submission and continued to litter his neck and shoulders with kisses.

Beacrox lifted Bearon up and threw him up at the cieling a few times causing the toddler to giggle happily.
Beacrox smiled happily at his baby brother.

Cale and Rom seeing this couldn't help but smile aswell, ever since Bearon has been born Beacfox has been more open with his feelings atleast towards them.

It was the same with Raon, Hong, and On, they had grown to love the little rascal dearly.

"Should we have another one" Ron asked innocently. Cale looked at Ron mortified.

"No, absolutely not mhm, I love Bearon but it does not mean I loved my pregnancy" Cale said urgently.

Ron couldnt help jut laugh at his reaction but nodded and understanding.

Cale let out a sigh of relief seeing that Ron wouldnt ask or push about it.

Ron kissed the mark he left on Cale one last time before looking at the kids infront of him all laughing and playing, 'This is enough' he thought smiling.

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