Contract girlfriend

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CEO : So miss suzen you're 10 minutes late where were you?

Suzen : I am sorry sir I wasss......

Before I could say anything, he turned his face towards me and he was..... Chen who proposed me at college I was very shocked at that time he wishper something that is hearable .

Chen : Suzen You.

Chen in his mind : Oh wow, thanks God for doing this now I can force her to be. My girlfriend and jealous yeji and shut the mouth of my parents so they can't force me to marry her.

(And smirk  a little)

Suzen's Pov.
When he smirk I was very confused and sacred that now what he do to me I was in my thoughts and suddenly he said something unexpected that made me feel like my game is over and now I have to listen and agree what he said.

Chen : So you are miss kim suzen and now you have to agree with what Am I saying ok.

Suzen : No I don't wanna be your girlfriend I don't love you so why are you forcing me huh.

Chen : Wait a second, who told you  that I love you, are gone mad that your college's heartthrob being your boyfriend because I love you, right but for your kind information Miss kim suzen, I am saying that can you please be my contract girlfriend?

Suzen: What, contract girlfriend are you mad? I don't want to be your girlfriend ok I don't care if it is contract or real ok.
Chen : But why, ok then I will give you money for this if you be my girlfriend  and you do your job very nicely so I will give you money as much as you want ok.

Suzen : money really shut ok I said I don't wanna be your girlfriend Ok No means no.

Chen: ok then live my company and yes live my apartment also that company give ok and now miss suzen you're helpless Now, what will you do now?

Suzen : You, wait Can you please give me time to think about it? Please.

Chen : Good girl, you have time till tomorrow 12:00 am ok otherwise you will lose your apartment, your job and your college also because my father is the half owner of the college ok.

Suzen :  Ok now can you take my interview or not.

Chen : No need to take interview I am giving you job in my company so from the now you are my personal secretary ok.

Suzen : what personal secretary but I was apply on part time employee's job.

Chen: Yes but I am giving you a promotion ok and You also have more salary then an employee ok.

Suzen : ok but only part time.

Chen : no because from tomorrow you will be my girlfriend so no need to take part time job because if you will reject my proposal so you will lose all the things you have ok.

Suzen : Ok .

Chen : wait call me sir ok you're my secretary so you have to respect your boss.

Suzen : Ok sir (in irritated voice)

With that saying she left from his office and make her way to home.

Time skip at night ✧・゚: *✧・゚:**:..。o○ ○o。..:*

To be continue (*´︶'*)♡Thanks!

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 20, 2022 ⏰

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