draws and dees

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When Michael arrived he went straight up to his room not bothering to check for his parents, they were both at work and Michael could care less.
He took his shoes off closed his bedroom door and plopped on his face face down, groaning, he turned to face the ceiling and reached down into his pocket for a piece of paper.
As he took out the nicely folded paper and unfolded it impatiently, impatiently waiting to see what was on the paper...and there it was, a drawing of him, given to him by Andrzej. He dwelled on the drawing and how perfect it was and that made him think of Andrzej which made him smile.

He closed his eyes and pictured Andrzej sitting next to him (at the park bench). His perfect face facing him. Their eyes staring into each other and, and Andrzej was moving closer to Michael's, closer and closer and closer, which jutted Michael's eyes wide open and he propped up on his bed and chuckled of embarrassment.


A few hours later and Michael is laying in the bath, eyes closed and music blasting through his headphones.
He had not been this relaxed in a long time. He let out a breathe of relaxation and his eyes open wide as he had a sound, he closed his eyes as he thought it was just nothing but the sound echoed into his ears again and he took his headphones on, propping his elbow on the edge of the bathtub he awaited the sound again *knock knock knock* he slightly gasped as it was coming from his room. He quickly got up and dried himself as the knocking continued *knock knock knock* he wrapped a black towel around his waist.
He creeped into his room slowly trying not to make a sound, he peeped through the small gap at his bedroom door and his eyes enlarged of terror as he saw a silhouette at his window, as he was battling with himself on what to do he got a text from his phone which was on the nightstand and it made a notifying sound catching the silhouettes attention as it realized the phone was in there.

Michael garnered up the courage to quickly get his phone and that he did, he carefully walked up to his night stand and he could tell that the silhouette had stopped moving as if it could see Michael and was awaiting on him to do something. Michael picked his phone up and anxiously opened the text message,
It was Daniel. He was relieved.
'im at your house'
'at your window'
'open up for me'
Michael read the text and went up to his curtain and peeked, and sure enough Michael stood there and smiled as he saw Michael slightly peeking through the curtain then his smile vanished as Michael left, he was putting on clothes, he was trying his best to get dressed quickly so it doesn't look like he's ignoring Daniel
Daniel heard crashing and things falling coming from inside
"Hey is everything okay in there- can I come i-"
"No don't come in...yet. I'm getting dressed" Michael yelled out.
Daniel was embarrassed as the thought of naked Michael getting dressed crossed his mind.
"o-okay I'll wait" Daniel said as if he had any other option.
After a few more minutes of the sound of Michael groaning and things falling, Michael finally opened up the curtain, met with Daniel's back against the window, he opened the window and Daniel turned and was met with Michael's enticing smell, he mindlessly got a hint of it, smelt like...honey
"you can come in" Michael said to Daniel, opening the window wider for Daniel to get in.

Daniel crouched through the window and got in Michael's room. Daniel quickly closing the window. As he turned to face Daniel he was met with a 5 second kiss with his face cupped in Daniel's hands. Daniel pulled back with his hands still on the sides of Michael's face. Michael was wide-eyed looking at Daniel but slowly closed as he went in for another kiss.

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