wakey wakey!!

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with all the recent love for scaramouche and the new attention towards this fic....it's coming back. I'll still be writing the Kazuha x Reader one, but i think this one is coming back for sure.

Here is the chapter I think you all deserve after 2 years of nothing.

Here are some new updates: with all the old harbingers names, just forget about them atm!! Other than the current ones we have. The ones I made up, their names will be switched out soon and replaced but for now just forget em! Make sure to read the 'it's back' info chapter if u haven't!


It only took 30 mins to wake up everyone- it would've been 10 if Childe didn't refuse to get up and would wrap himself around the blanket.

It was too the point Scaramouche came in- already angry from being woken up this early- and had to yank the blanket with so much force that Childe came tumbling out, and literally spun in the air before falling to the ground.

Everyone grumbled as they melted into the living room couches, almost falling asleep until you had to turn the light on and they grumbled even louder in annoyance.

"Oh shut up!" You scoffed. "You've all been awake at 5 once drinking your asses off, it's only 2! and we've had more sleep than we've ever gotten in the last 2 days!"

You placed your phone on the table, and above it appeared a large and wide hologram of what was showing on your phone.

On it was 3 people- Your mother, father and younger brother Anton.

"These three burned the bank."

You got straight to it, and everyone's jaws in the room had dropped- your brothers though, had faked their jaw-dropping reactions.

Scaramouche knew since he looked at your phone, but he acted shocked for the sake of it all.

"Yeah, shocking I know." You sighed. "These uhm...people." You didn't wanna say family- you refused to. They weren't your family and at the same time you didn't want pity from the others. "They are hosting a ball in a few days to celebrate the burning of the bank. First, we can't kill them unfortunately, but we can get info to destroy them...and ruin their ball. We need to crash that ball basically, and find out if they have any more plans that are towards the Fatui."

"Won't they know we're harbingers though?" La Signora asked. "We're known widely around Teyvat."

"Good question." You smiled and swiped on your phone, the hologram switching to another picture. "Rich people like that family, invite over rich people to these types of things. This, is Diluc Ragnivindr."

The photo was a picture of Diluc- the one that went widely around the world as he was known for his booming wine industry. "He will be going with Jean." You swirled to show a photo of Jean- it was a group photo with all the knights of Favonious and her in thr center of it.

"Also- they wanna invite people who don't like the Fatui- or people they expect to hate the Fatui." You swiped just another time, to show Zhongli. "We all know him obviously."

"Diluc, Jean and Zhongli will go to the ball and get any type of information we can get. We, will have to sneak in, which is where Signora will come in. Signora, you're known for your beauty and actions obviously, but not everyone knows your face, and certainly not them. So, you'll go in."

"I like this plan." She smirked. "Getting to go to a ball that I'm crashing? A dream come true."

"All the other rooms in the mansion are closed off, which is where I come in." You smirked. "I think my spy issues will come in handy for this one. I'll walk around and find whatever I can."

"So basically, the plan is that you and Signora along with the others will sneak in and get information?" Scaramouche asked.

You nodded.

"And there's no fighting?" Childe asked.

You tilted your head and made an 'eh' sound. "Only if necessary."

"Yes!" He cheered.

"You won't be doing the fighting." You clarified.

He pouted.

"You woke us up for something you could've explained tomorrow." Pantalone said, annoyed.

"Well the ball is in 4 days...and we can't exactly use teleport waypoints since not all of us accessed the ones in Fontaine." You chuckled nervously. "We'll have to go by boat."

Everyone groaned and started complaining. You grabbed a pillow and threw it at the group gathered on the couch. "Just pack! We'll leave in a few hours. I already contacted Beidou."

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