The Attic.

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||Scott's POV.||

"Everyone's been here for a couple weeks already, But the foods becoming low- Should we go to see if the pantry is open yet?" I mumbled, turning to my friend Owen.

"Yeah we should- The other rats need some food. We should gather everyone and go get some food from the pantry!" Owen smiled at me.

What was this feeling? It felt.. fuzzy? Owens smile makes me feel like my stomach squirms, in a good way-! He's my best friend, I would do anything for him..

"Alright, We should go get the others now." I shook this feeling off and began to walk with Owen to the other rats, who appear to be together.


The rat's were all at the stage, looking at Tubbo sing for the 54th time that day.

"We are the raaaa-" Tubbo sang.

"Tubbo no more singing pleaaase- It's hurting my ears." Oliver mumbled.

"Oh- Sorry Olive."

"Oh hey, Scott and Owen are there-!" Bek pointed out as we walked over.

"Hey guys! We were thinking we could go to the kitchen to see if the pantry is open today!" Owen chirruped.

"That would be fun?" Apo tilted his head, sorta confused

"SAFETY RAT SHALL COME." Jimmy shouted, hands on hips proudly.

"Jimmy we don't need this show right now-" I sighed.

"C'mon everyone!" Owen grinned and began to walk away as the others followed.


||3rd person.||

Everyone made it to the pantry and hid behind objects as the maid walked past. The pantry then opened.

"It's open- Everyone get in!" A rat shouted as everyone began to scurry into the pantry without the maid spotting them.

"Oh- Why is it a mess in here?" Sniff asked, confused.

There was empty bottles and other things lying about as the rats began to look in the chests, scrounging for food.

"AH- Who are you?!" Owen squeaked as the rats gathered around a large figure.

"Who are you-?!" Ponk backed into the corner, holding honey.

"Woah that's a big ol' rat." Bek looked up to Ponk.

"I'm not a rat- I'm a honey badger!" Ponk grinned.

The rats gasped and backed away, Mumbling things from the lines of "A badger?", "Will the badger eat us?".

"Will you eat us Mr Badger-?" Scott asked, stepping forward slightly.

"Oh nono- I only eat mice!"

Everyone seemed relieved as sighs pass throughout the rats.

"Leave my best friend alone-! ACK-" Y/N fell over infront of Ponk and the other rats and quickly got up, The larger built rat raised his paws and clenched them, seeming to try and protect Ponk.

"wOAH- Chill man- We don't wanna hurt you or the badger-"  Martyn said.

"Oh.. That's awkward then." Y/N let his paws drop to his sides as he looked to the rats surrounding him and Ponk. "Why are you in our pantry?"

"Why are we in your pantry? Why are you in ours?" Tubbo looked at the two, narrowing his eyes.

"Nuh-uh this is ours, we've been here for 3 weeks." Ponk scoffed, sticking his tongue out.

"We've been here for 4-?" Scott tilted his head

"Let's just not argue- Who are you both?" Owen, The reasonable one here, Asked the two strangers their names.

"Oh, I'm Y/N! And this is Ponk- We've been uh, Living here for a while."

The rats all began to introduce themselves one by one, as the sun began to set...


Woah, About 530 words, geez- But yeah! Next chapter up tmr! <33 

Author out!

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