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Name: Crimson Halfmoon (Spoiler alert: She claims that's her name)

Gender: Female

Nickname: Guardian of Fairytail, Blood Red Moon Noble, and others (mentioned in the story.)

Power: She claims and shows only weather magic and occasional weapon re-quips(again, note claim) Only the master knows a little bit more about her real power.

- Weather Magic: Pretty much self-explanatory. Can control weather (elements involving weather)

Outer Appearance: A neither small or tall person with a lean but fit figure. Purple hair that can appear light or dark depending on the light. Wears a large cape with a hood and a ball mask pretty much all the time. Icy blue eyes that occasionally go crimson when she "snaps" and goes into "zone" (which is rare). She prefers comfortable clothes. Due to preference of dark colored clothes and that her cape covers her whole body and trails behind her, not many are aware of her gender, most even presume that she is a male.

 Due to preference of dark colored clothes and that her cape covers her whole body and trails behind her, not many are aware of her gender, most even presume that she is a male

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(A/N: Imagine hair over the left eye or a purple ball mask.)

True Appearance: Her left eye is covered by her hair, (you understand in the story) and her right eye is the most icy blue you have ever seen (to be honest someone could bet that they belonged to an evil person) She wears different clothes from time to time, usually something comfortable. (Shin-chan: besides all that talk, if you hadn't already guessed it, she was beautiful). 

Personality: Cool, calm, mysterious, doesn't seem like it, but is a little bit of a sadist

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Personality: Cool, calm, mysterious, doesn't seem like it, but is a little bit of a sadist. She rarely (and I mean rarely) ever snaps. She never really smiles (she doesn't really have a need to) and has a rather odd yet wicked sense of humor if you get to know her. She is a wanderer, but is a hardcore wall when it comes to emotions (most times). She is mentally strong and refuses for her emotions to take control.

Formal information: We have absolutely no clue where she lives, she wanders everywhere and even despise the thought of having to stay in one place. She never told anyone her age (that's going to show up in the story)

Family: She is very wealthy (and I mean seriously, she matches up to the council and king) all her money is placed in a special inventory (a storage somewhere in the universe, she can access it thanks to her powers) She has a mother and father both deceased. She has 2 older brothers, one is dead, and the other is her twin, unknown if he is alive or dead.

Love interests: "Love is too much of a bother to think about." said Crimson with a I-don't-care-attitude.

Fears: She has fears of course, who doesn't, but when she is scared she doesn't show it. And when she does show it is only when she "snapped". But she absolutely hates snobby people who can't live up to there words.

-  She is rich (it is really easy to make money, you just have to be sane and make the necessary effort - Crimson). Like Crazy Rich. Because of that, she spends with no limitation much to the horrors of many. 

- She dislikes getting dirty. Or anything filthy. 

Pet: She has a Wolf named Hikari. Hikari is a small pure white wolf with deep blue ocean eyes and a mark on its head that goes all the way across its back to its tail (the mark is blue, and sometimes it changes color or glows) Hikari can change forms (not that anyone knows) into pretty much anything, (exceed, dog, hawk, owl, human, etc) Hikari is very calm and pretty much exactly like her Mistress (Hikari loves Crimson so much that she calls her Mistress) Hikari's favourite food is her mistress's cooking (preferably her triple berry pie) She is always very amused with Happy, and sometimes wish that Carla will stop being...well Carla with all her blunt remarks.

Things you should know: Crimson is very talented in acrobatics, singing, arts, (ok pretty much everything) the only thing Crimson is bad at is controlling her temper when "snapped" She doesn't remember her twin brother that well but she knows that she will know who it is once she meets him. Crimson has a pair of wings on her back which she hides (with a spell) she was born with her wings which is very rare so they are special and can change from beast wings to delicate fairy wings. She actually slept for 500 years (same time as Zeref slept) But she awoke sooner then Zeref. She was age 9 when she slept and woke up 500 years later still technically the same age. She joined the Fairy Tail guild only a month after she woke up, but only Master knows that she joined the guild. Like Mystogan she sort of uses a spell on herself. Mystogan puts everyone to sleep, while Crimson uses an invisibility spell on herself, only Master can see her and occasionally talks to her (Which makes the others think he's crazy) However, sometimes the other guild mates will see her, but only for a glimpse and as soon as they blink she's gone. She got her name Guardian of Fairytail by the guildmates, because in tough situations( where the chance of death is 80%) she always rescues them, earning her name. Unknown to them that she is apart of there guild(since she always wears a cape when she rescues them)

She loves nature and challenges. She kind of dislikes Lucy, she is polite to Lucy (meaning colder to her then others) However because Lucy is still part of Fairytail, Crimson does save her in tough situations. Though since she dislikes Lucy, Lucy is her favourite victim if she is bored. (Shin-chan: At times like this I really pity Lucy)


I DO NOT OWN FAIRY TAIL!!!! I only own my OC and some other OC's,

If you don't like this fanfic, don't complain, just don't read. 

I would like to thank all whose pics and videos I borrowed.

The first chapter "Prologue" will come out soon.

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