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He'd been daydreaming as his class of six coloured at their tiny tables, he was staring off out into the snowfall outside and trying to figure it out.

Why did he react to Eddie like that?

And then he was transported back to that one night in December of 1989, December 7th, the day he and Eddie had met up once again.

He had him pressed against the back of his bedroom door, pressing open mouthed kisses to his neck.

"Quiet Stevie, not a word pretty boy Kay?"

Steve had rolled his eyes, sucking air through his teeth

"Oh yeahhh, hey dad look, I'm having homosexual relations and I'm not even the one on top OoOoOOo"

Eddie shut him up, pressing a messy kiss to his lips and fingers fumbling over the buttons on his polo he'd cursed him for being so difficult.


He was snapped back to reality by a little red headed boy who resembled a much cuter version of Chucky he'd somehow managed to spill green glitter everywhere.

"Oh Tommy- hang on sweetie don't move"

Quickly he gathered newspapers from under the sink, setting them around the child so that glitter didn't get into the carpet since he'd be finding it for the rest of his career if it did.

Finally he'd funnelled what he could back into the jar, brushing the little boy off the best he could because in all honesty the fact that his mom was one of the girls he'd hung out with in Highschool did not sit well with him and accidentally making a mess of her car.

Relief washed over him when most of the kids settled down on the small avalanche of pillows in the corner for reading, only two of them choosing to cling to him today (which made a change), he read to them patiently, answering questions here and there, eventually getting all six toddlers to sleep and almost dropping off himself.

There was a soft knocking at the door, robins head peeking round the soft yellow frame as she held up a paper bag.

He looked up at her groggily, rubbing his eyes.

"You're a Life saver Rob"

"Yeah yeah whatever Harrington"

She threw him the paper bag and a bottle of water

"You're lucky I'm only a secretary so far man"

"I know Robin, I know"

He popped an ibuprofen pill, gulping it down with his water to soothe the migraines he often got after the amount of concussions he'd had over the years, offering her a seat at one of the small tables and sitting across from her.

"You'll never guess who I met when you and Vickie were slacking off on Saturday"


"Eddie freaking Munson."

"No way??" Robins eyes widened and she grabbed his forearms "what happened? Was it awkward? You haven't seen eachother since like 1990"

"That's what I thought! But it was fine"

"You sure?? You guys had a lot together"

Steve hummed absently, playing with his tongue piercing against the roof of his mouth
"you know after everything I never thought we'd end up here"

Robin frowned, her freckly features forming a look all too familiar "what dyou mean?"

"Well, to start with I'm a teacher, you work in the office, Dustin is a freaking rocket scientist, Lucas is a leading player for the state team, Max is skating in tournaments despite not being able to see, Erica has a goddamn talk show, Mike and Will work for marvel, El is a trauma therapist, Nancy and Jonathan are working in Chicago as private investigators as well as the fact that they're planning to have a kid sometime, Eddies a parent and argyle is a video game ceo, it's all nuts to me"

"You miss it?"

"The bad parts? No, I do miss the family part of it though"

"Maybe we'll have to enter you as a prize in the Christmas fete, we could put a pretty bow on

"Shhhh, kids robin"

"Right" Robin shrugged "I admit I do miss the whole everyone being so close thing, but we all come together at the holidays still so I guess it's not all bad"

He nodded, taking another sip of water

"Not all bad.."

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