Ice skating

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Around a week later he found himself tightly gripping eddies hand on an ice rink as the three glided round the cold circle, Ozzy quite content infront of them and Steve sliding around like a skittish colt.

"Ozzy sweetheart don't go too far"


The toddler skated circles around them as Eddie tried to teach Steve his balance, one hand on his shoulder and the other resting on the small of his back.



"Why do you and Steve spend so much time together?"

"That's a story for another time sweetheart, put your gloves on, your hands will be cold"


For a while they skated around, Steve finally finding his footing as the three calmly slid round the ice, Ozzy growing tired from time to time and having either Eddie or himself pick him up for a short while, they got the odd strange look, they didn't really care though, it wasn't like there wasn't others like themselves in Hawkins.

"I can't believe it's the 23rd already"

Eddie chuckled, placing his hand on his boyfriends leg

"Don't be a grinch Stevie"

"M'not being a grinch"

"Do excuse me m'lady"

Steve scoffed, ears catching Eddies stomach rumble in the peaceful car

"You wanna get take out?"

"I wanna take you out"

He stared at him for a second, Eddie stared at the road

"That was so shit"

"And that was bullying"

"Watch your tone"

"Damn sorry uncle wayne, didn't know you stole Steve's skin" Eddie mocked, turning into a packed out drive through

"I'll fight you"

"You'll lose"

"I know"

Quick chapter for Thursday, only one left, I've been watching bluey 🧍

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