The Last Ride

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OMG, I love all my fans I got on here after a  walk and i was like, spinning round on my chair jumping up and down... to bad these office chairs fall over easily... any way I'm not scarred!

Thank you!!!!!!!

any way heres the story....

XoX brooke


The soft straw tickling my muzzle awoke me, the horrible pain in my chest hurt me. The pitter Patter of rain on the roof of the stable soothed me as I lay there. I just lay there.

" he's real lucky he didn't break any bones, real lucky.' voices echoed from outside my stall.

" he was lying there for three days, at least."

He's tuff, he is not many horses could do that, But you shouldn't leave him in large paddocks any more In case he does it again."

" have you got his papers? maybe they might tell us why he's so difficult."

" Uh yeah, they say... Hang on he's an Australian brumby."

" well I'd say, From your notes he's just home sick, running away, biting, snapping maybe you should send him home."

" Ok I'll go see him."

I felt one pair of eyes on my back but i was to weak to even care.

" we'll get you home boy, don't worry."

i don't know how long it took for me to recover, but I did I was known I wasn't stuck in the paddock forgotten.

I shook my head and ran forward, my first run in a long time.

" he better be careful, it's his first time out of the stall."

I jumped and bucked, but in joy, not very full on just lightly.

Hey mu---m, doyouthinkwecanbuckhim? I mean he is goin---g-"

"Fine invite some of your friends, but be careful."

" OK I love you mum."

I didn't know what all the excitement was about, but I guessed it had to do with me. I was left in the Paddock by myself to my very high enjoyment.

" don't be to hard on him, He may think he's strong enough but he really isn't."

"Kay, boys, lets go an' du' sum' ridin'."

They pushed me into a small pace and I  narrowed my eyes accepting the silent challenge.

I jumped up and reared, hating this waiting! Arg... This was so frustrating!

I felt some thing land on my back with a thud, the small space opened up and all I could think about in all my anger was getting rid of it.

I spun around kicking up my back leges then my front before gathering enough balance to jump as high as i could, the weight on my back landed on the ground in a big heap.

I turned around curious what it was. To my surprise a human was laying there, I took the chance and charged at him, he was up in and before I knew it he was over the fence in a flash panting hard.

i was ushered back into the space, and you know what i though. Bring.It.On.

another thud on my back caused me to jump violently as they opened the creaking gate.

I loved the sheer chalenge of it and my limits wee nil.

I dug my hooves into the ground and just stood there tensing my body up, I gave a quick glance round and onto my back where a very pale looking person was sitting, before I leaped off the ground and spun in a circle.

I trotted back into the space knowingly with my head held high and my tail swishing.

I looked into the eyes of man. For the fist time I saw the reason why I wanted to be home. Hew wore a black thing on his head, brightly coloured strips of bark hung loosely around his body.

That man, he grabbed my mane yanked it up as he pulled himself onto my back.

I leaped out of the gates, running as fast as I could. I stopped and reared, seeing it left there man unfazed I jumped as high as I could almost snapping my back in the process.

I had only one more thing to do, I was getting desperate in this war between man and beast.

I bounded of the ground towards the high wooden posts, A loud crack echoed throughout the scene as the rider fell limp on the ground.

I stared down at him and in tat moment I knew that was my last ride.

My rips had shattered into pieces and I felt my legs collapse underneath me.

There were shouts of worry for both me and  the rider, but one in particular caught my attention. I didn't know what it meant but I knew it was filled with sadness and the sadness and anger of humans led to the hurt of horse.

if I could be hurt any more.

" Kathrine, He's dead. our sons D-dead."


sorry for doing this to you to tragedy's in a row!!! AHH!

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