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[The Next Day]
{Sam's POV}

     I look up from my phone after Colby walks past me. I watch him leave the bunker with his head hung low. I look back at my phone and close out of everything, turning it off and stuffing it into my jean pocket. I get up and head back to my room. I go straight to my dresser, put my fingerless gloves on and grab my lighter and a pack of cigars, and my keys then I grab my pocket knife just in case and head to the the entrance of the bunker. I peek my head outside to check if Colby was gone. His car is no where in sight. I quickly jump out and head towards my motorcycle.

[Two Hours Later]

     I pull into an alleyway and kick the kickstand down after turning it off. I hop off my motorcycle and pull out a cigarette. I put the cigarette in between my lips and pull out my lighter, quickly lighting the cigarette then stuffing the lighter back into my pocket. I lean against my motorcycle, placing my right leg on the footstep. I let the dawn air sink it as I get lost in my thoughts.
     I take a deep breath as I finish my cigarette. I throw it down on the ground as I let out a breathe of smoke. I step on the burning cigarette and drag it towards me, putting out the cigarette.
     I suddenly hear talking from around the corner. I look in the direction of the noise and push myself off my motorcycle. I soon see a gang of guys turn the corner, towards me. All of them are armed with guns and switch blades, they all were also wearing masks that covered their mouths and noses. Except one. Jason. I recognize him the second he turns the corner. I know him because I've seen him and Brennan get in heated arguments while I still lived with Brennan. Jason stops dead in his tracks and chuckles,
     "Well, well, well. Isn't it Samuel Golbach. Long time no see!" Jason walks closer to me as his gang stay behind him with bigger grins on his face.
     "What do you want Jason." I scowl. Jason smirks and stops an inch away from me. He has a black eyes.
"Your stupid boss gave me this black eye. It would be a shame if his best member got hurt." My eyes widen. He's not gonna...
"You wouldn't dare." Jason's smirk splits into a grin.
"Oh I would. And I will." I don't even bother to blink. We both stand there in silence, til he speaks up again.
"Get him boys." Jason walks backwards as his gang walk forward towards me with their weapons in their hands. I quickly pull out my pocket knife as they approached closer and closer. The adrenaline started rushing through me as the first guy lunched towards me, swinging his knife at me. I swiftly dodge it and stumble back in the process. Another guy punches me after I stumble back, making me quickly lose my balance and busting my lip open. The guy swings his knife and cuts the bridge of my nose then the side of my cheekbone. I instantly wince in pain and subconsciously throw him off of me and stumble back onto my feet. I touch my hand onto my cheek and nose then I moved my hand away and look at my hand. Blood....they really f*cking cut me....they really f*cking did that. I look at them, feeling anger and shock cross my expression. I look down and see my pocket knife on the ground. I quickly grab it as one guy charges towards me. I swing my arm and slash his arm. He groans loudly in pain and grips his arm in pain. The other guys look at him then back at me and point their guns at me.
I feel my heart drop straight in stomach then just disintegrate to ashes. I blink and all I see is Colby. Holding the gun. Straight at my heart. I hear footsteps behind me the strong big hands grip my own and hold me back from struggling. I felt worn out. Tired. My chest was puffing from all the running. I'm tired of running. Tears rush down Colby's face. But the anger was there and it had settled not only in his face, but in his heart.
"Cole, do it." Mike's voice was filled with hesitation. As it was before. Colby took a sharp breathe in, holding in the rage and attempting to stop the tears. Before I knew it, he spoke three words that would haunt me forever.
"Fuck you Samuel."





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