Day Six: The Final Day

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The rest of yesterday I spent talking with my girlfriend. Quickly catching up from over the past few days. Later, Itachi returned from another trip. He was surprised to see her there, but didn't say anything. We went out to a nice restaurant for dinner. We tried our best to act like we had never split in the first place. She stayed over at my house for that night.



It was almost noon now. My girlfriend and I were walking around downtown near a small shopping center. Itachi had already left early this morning to return to his house.

"How about we check out this shop?" She asked, pulling me in the direction of the little store.

We were basically in the store by the time I decided to go in. It was a beauty and cosmetics shop. She hurried around looking at all the items. I slowly followed along, reading all the different labels and names of the shower gel scents. Some of them were even as strange as a cupcake shower gel. I wondered how it would actually smell when used.

"Sasuke!" I heard my named be called.

I walked over beside my girlfriend. She was standing near a shelf of perfumes.

"Which of these two should I pick up?" She questioned, spraying each of one of her wrists.

The first one smelt fresh and floral. The second one was lighter and smelt sweeter.

"This one," I responded, pointing to the first option.

She nodded and grabbed onto a small container of the fresh, floral perfume. She continued walking around the store, looking at more products. After picking up a couple different nail polish colors, we headed up to the front of the store and into the checkout line.

She carried her small, black shopping bag out of the store with her. We chose to keep looking around for an interesting clothing store before heading out to eat somewhere. Her hand was in mine, we playing swung our arms back and forth as we walked along the sidewalk. Minutes past, but none of the stores caught our eye.

"Are you hungry yet?" I asked, turning my head to look at her face.

She looked back at me, "Yeah... What's close? Fast-food?"


"Hm, I guess we could stop by that small burger place we saw a while back."

"Sure, sounds good to me," I smiled.

We turned back the other way and continued to the little burger restaurant. Our on way, something caught my eye. Looking over across the intersection, I noticed Naruto talking to someone. A girl... we went to school together, but I didn't really know her. Naruto seemed to be laughing and flirting with her, considering the way the girl reacted. Her embarrassed look must have meant he was trying to be flattering or something. Suddenly, Naruto turned and spotted me looking at him. We had made strange, distant eye contact. No expression on either of our faces.

"C'mon," my girlfriend whispered, nudging my arm. I looked away and the two of us continued down the sidewalk. I didn't dare to look back.

"Seems like he has already found someone else," She mumbled contently.

"Yeah," I spoke, "I guess he has..."

He had already decided to find someone else. Maybe he was trying his plan on me this time. Just like we had to make my girlfriend jealous. I couldn't say that I was too surprised. I did my best to ignore it for the rest of the day. Although, I was a little angered by the fact he was trying to make me jealous... maybe it was working.

"Don't worry about it," She assured, "He doesn't matter to you anymore..."

We stopped in front of the restaurant. She looked at me, still holding my hands, "You know I love you, okay?"

I nodded, "Yeah, I love you too." I smiled and leaned forward and gave her a quick peck on the lips.

We stepped into the small restaurant, leaving the busy sounds of the city and the memory of my relationship with Naruto behind us.


{I hope you guys enjoyed this story! I wasn't too sure if that ending was alright, so tell me what you think?
Another of my NaruSasu stories that is still ongoing is called Red Letter- if you haven't started it yet :)
I also have another good story coming up soon!}

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