4/ You can't feel pain ?!

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Tw : verbale abuse, mention of torture, blood, bullying.


Izuku and Himiko are 8, T&T are 12.

He dodge the fist and swiped his legs with his, making Tenko -sorry, Tomura- falling on his butt.

"Come on Tomura ! Stand up ! Don't let this useless quirkless win against you, you piece of shit !"

Izuku lightly sight, knowing he'll never get a compliment from his Sensei.

They fought again for two hours, without anyone winning, making Sensei angrier and angrier, until he snaped and decided to chained them to the wall.

He then call Touya and Himiko.

"Yes Sensei ?" They asked nervously when they saw their brothers againt the wall, knowing well that being held by the wrist was a big trigger for the four of them.

"Today your going to train. Toga, you train your knives trowing technic, and Dabi, your fire. Train on them. It's an order. When I come back, they must have scars and blood on the floor."

Then he left.

Himiko looked at Touya, tears making her yellow eyes glowing.

"I'm sorry." He whisper to Himiko. "We don't have any choices or he'll do worst to them and us. We have to do it."

The duo walked toward the two chained boys to apologies.

"It's okay. It's not like we can feel pain anymore. And we don't want you to be hurt physicaly too so... Don't worry, we don't hate you for this." Answered Tomura emotionless.

"So now hurry up, before he come back." Said Izuku, his voice like Tomura's, his mind empty since he was chained.

After four hours, the back of Izuku and Tomura were covered in blood, cuts and burns. And they didn't feel any pain. And even if they still could feel some, their minds were full of flash back from there pasts.

During all this time, Himiko couldn't stop crying and say sorry, so she was exhausted.

Then Sensei appeard in the room.

"You could have done better. But I have other things to do, so, do whatever you want. Just don't eat. You are grounded." He said coldly before leaving again.

"No..." Cried Himiko as she fell on her knees. "We already didn't eat for a week ! I'm so hungry, I swear I could just steal some food in the kitchen."

When he heard that, Touya ran to her and slapped her.

"Don't. I swear. No matter how hungry you are. Just don't. The punishment don't worth a piece of bread."

"You've done it, aren't ya ?" Asked Izuku now free, his face still showing no emotions, since he still can feel the chains on his wrists. "That's why you once desapeard for three months. It was the punishment."

The now black haired boy nodded.

"Okay ! No more depressed face, we have school tomorrow, we need to clean ourselves." Said Touya, trying to lightened the mood.

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