True Love's Kiss

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Lance stood off to the side of the ballroom. Voltron had recently been invited to attend a party on one of the alien planets in their ever growing coalition and Coran said they were obligated to attend. Part of Lance was excited. The ball would be his and Allura's first real public appearance as a couple. But the other part of Lance felt like something was wrong. Like he was almost incomplete. Allura left him a bit ago to grab some refreshments and socialize with the planet's council members. Lance, left alone with his thoughts, let his eyes wander around the room. They landed on Keith who also stayed close to the walls of the massive ballroom. Shiro lingered by the red Paladin and the two were engaged in some sort of conversation. Lance stared at Keith with a look of longing. While their relationship started off rather rocky, the two had grown closer over their time in space. Being around Keith felt comforting and right. Lance couldn't understand. Allura was everything Lance had ever dreamed of so why did she feel so wrong. But Allura was the safe option and Keith was someone he'd never be able to have. He could never risk damaging their relationship as well as the team by confessing his new feelings. He was sure Keith didn't feel anything other than friendship towards him anyways. Lance sighed and pressed his back further on the wall. He just wanted to melt into the shadows and away from his confusing feelings. Suddenly Lance felt a grip on his shoulder. He flinched and rapidly pulled away. He looked up and saw an older looking woman. Her hair was white and ratty and her skin was purple. Wrinkles and warts covered her face. A crooked looking grin spread across her lips revealing yellowing teeth that matched her glowing yellow eyes. "W-who are you?" Lance asked frightened. He tried not to judge people based on appearances but the woman made him uncomfortable with her looks alone. "Just someone who wants to help you my dear." The woman said with a cracking voice. "Help me? What do you-" Lance said taking a step back. The old woman cut off his words. "I can see it in your eyes. The sadness and pain." Lance looked back over at Keith again. Other aliens had made their way over and attempted to talk to the red Paladin. Lance bit his lip as he felt a twinge of jealousy watching as a young woman rested her hand on Keith's arm. She looked at him with lidded seductive eyes in attempted flirting. Lance could feel tears prick the corners of his eyes. "Never to be with one you love" the woman whispered in his ear. His eyes caught sight of Allura now. She held what looked like champagne flute as she laughed along with other various party goers. She looked elegant and perfect. Yet Lance felt nothing towards her. Not anymore at least. The butterflies he once felt in his stomach at the mere sight of her had now fluttered away towards another. "Doomed to be stuck in a loveless relationship for all eternity." The woman continued on. A choked gasp left his throat as he turned to get away from the woman's hurtful yet truthful words. The elder quickly cut him off. "But it doesn't have to be that way. Oh no no no." She said giving Lance's cheek a soft caress. Lance looked away back at Keith. A stray tear rolled down his cheek. "I can make that all go away." She pulled something out from her cloak and presented it to Lance. "I can make all the pain disappear." Lance stared at the object in her wrinkly hands. It looked like some strange fruit he couldn't place the name of. It look like mix between an apple and a peach yet it was colored a deep rich purple. "Just one bite and everything will be the way it should. No more pain. No more suffering." The woman said as she pushed the hair from Lance's face. Lance cast one Lance glance at Keith and Allura in the ballroom. The woman shoved the fruit back at him. "But you must hurry! The magic will not work unless you take bite before the clock strikes twelve! Hurry now!" The woman said quickly. Lance softly took the strange fruit from her worn hands. "Hurry. Hurry!" The woman urged impatiently. Lance slowly brought the purple fruit to his lips. Hesitantly he bit into it. Lance's eyes widened as he swallowed. The spell overtook him and he fell to the ground unconscious. The magic laced fruit slipped from his hand as he hit the floor. It rolled across the ballroom, narrowly missing the feet of people dancing and mingling. It came to a stop at Keith's feet. The light bump on his boot shook him from the uncomfortable conversation he was stuck in. He ignored the people around him as he bent down to pick up the object. He was confused to see an apple like fruit with a single bit missing. He looked around the room searching for the source. Meanwhile the old woman had thrown Lance's limp body over her shoulder. "Out of the way!" She yelled as she shoved past confused patrons. She made it to elevator at the entrance of the room. Lance's body was carelessly thrown to the floor of the lift. As the elevator began to close the woman muttered out a spell. A gust of magic surrounded her body and revealed her true form, Haggar. Just before the doors closed a sword was thrust between them. The doors were shoved open to reveal Keith with his bayard. "Haggar!" Keith yelled alerting the other members of Voltron. They all rushed over, weapons drawn. "Voltron." Haggar grit out. Keith's eyes landed on the body on the floor. "Lance!" Keith cried worriedly. He shoved past Haggar and gathered Lance in his arms. The others kept their weapons trained on the witch. "Help please!" Allura yelled as Keith emerged with Lance. A group of aliens brought out a velvety chaise. Keith carefully rested the blue Paladin's body on the sofa. Allura rushed to her boyfriend's side and took his hand in hers. "Lance." She said sadly. Keith stayed on the other side rubbing Lance's cheek. Shiro stared at the fruit Keith had discovered. "What happened?!" Hunk asked fearfully. "She poisoned him!" Shiro said sending a sharp glare at the alien witch. Haggar sent a wicked grin straight back. "Enough!" Pidge yelled pressing the point of her bayard lightly yet roughly into the witch's neck making her wince. "There has to be something, what do we do?!" Allura cried. "What are we supposed to do?!" Hunk asked as well. Keith never took his eyes off of Lance's sleeping face. "True love's kiss." He said unconsciously. The group fell silent at his words. "What?" Allura asked. "It's the most powerful thing in the world." Keith said softly. He remembered the many fairytales Lance would gush about. Each ended with a magical kiss to save the day. "Yes, of course!" Allura said hurriedly taking Keith's place. Keith had to pull himself back from unconsciously leaning in to kiss Lance himself. His hands balled into fists as he watched Allura lean down. She gathered Lance in her arms and pressed their lips together. As she pulled away, Lance remained unchanged. Everyone in the room gasped. Allura repeatedly kissed him desperately. "It's not working!" She finally cried. The Paladins heads hung low. The sound of a clock chime startled them. "You'll never save him now. When the clock strikes twelve, he'll be dead." Haggar cackled ignoring Pidge's bayard pressing harder in her neck. "Unless!" Allura said snapping her head up. "Unless?" Keith questioned. Allura glanced back at Keith, desperation and sadness in her eyes. "No. No it can't be me. It's not possible." Keith panicked. "Don't you see!" Allura said as she rushed over to him. She pulled him over by the arm. "We barely know each other. We've only known each other for a few months." Keith tried to rationalize. "It has to be!" Allura said choking back a sob. "But-". "Just kiss him Keith!" Shiro yelled cutting off the argument. Keith looked startled at his outburst. "Just try ok. We don't have time." Shiro said trying to sound calm. Keith let out a shaky breath as he knelt beside Lance. The sound of the chiming clock only fueling his anxiety. He cradled the sleeping boy in his arms. He ran his thumb along his warm cheek. His eyes began to water. "Please, don't leave me." He begged in a quiet whisper. Keith leaned in slowly and pressed his lips to Lance's. He allowed himself to savor the softness of Lance's lips. The clock struck twelve the moment their lips touched. Keith pulled back reluctantly after a moment. Lance remained asleep in Keith's arms. The Paladins allowed themselves to begin to grieve. Haggar let out another evil laugh at the sight. Suddenly Lance gasped and his eyes snapped open. He shifted in Keith's arms and their eyes met. Lance let his arms wrap around Keith's neck as he sighed. "I knew it was you." Lance said pulling Keith in for another kiss. They pulled apart before coming back together in a gentle embrace. Team Voltron let out sighs of relief. Allura watched with a sad smile. Although happy for the pair she couldn't help but feel sad over the loss of her relationship. Though she held out hope that she'd find her own true love one day as well. Haggar let out a yell of anger as she shoved away the members of Voltron. The Paladins sprung back to their feet ready for the battle to come.

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