chapter 1 - first day back

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Margot's pov <3

Walking into the school gates after the long GCSE summer is refreshing

over the summer i started my new job and went on a couple of holidays but apart from that it was pretty much sitting at home bored

I'm excited to get back into education and my normal routine because as soon as i finish my A levels i can get the hell away from north london and everything that comes with it

or everyone who comes with it

I start to make my way to the assembly when i spot one of my best friends Darcy, i feel like i haven't seen her in ages although we met up over the summer

Darcy is the only close friend i have at school now, my other bestfriend that i've known since i was four went to a different sixth form, but i'm hoping i'll make some new friends


she turns around instantly and stops, waving and waiting for me to catch up to her

"Hey, oh god i can't believe we're back in this hell hole again, i thought the torture was over when we sat the last exam" she huffs, gazing at the concrete walls.

"I know, but hey at least we don't have to bother with introducing ourselves to people, everyone already knows who we are"

we hear loud talking sounds coming from behind us, glancing back i realise it's Elliot and his friends jumping on each other and play fighting like the idiots they are.

"ugh i didn't realise he was coming back, i was hoping results day was gonna be the last i saw of him" i grumbled to Darcy as Elliot sent a stare my way.

"listen i'm sure your paths won't cross, maybe you'll have one class together but you'll just ignore him. Anyway who knows he might have gotten less insufferable over the summer i know Ben certainly has" She whispered the last part taking a look over her shoulder and bouncing her eyebrows.

Darcy started working at a pottery painting shop a couple of weeks ago and it just so happens that Ben's mums coffee shop is right next door.

I have my suspicions that they've crossed paths during their breaks more than once in the back alley and got talking, i don't really care if she dates him just so long as i don't have to socialise with his friends

walking through the doors to the hall i see some unfamiliar faces that look slightly on edge, i would be too if i was in a totally different school

we sit down and turn towards our head of year that recently got promoted to head of sixth form, miss Piercy

there's a powerpoint slide on the projector saying 'welcome to northall sixth form'

i start to look around seeing if i recognise any of the new faces when i feel a presence behind me

turning around, i see Elliot in the seat next to me, about to kick my chair

"i swear to god Elliot if you even tap my chair i'll"-

"and what if i did" he interrupted.

" you don't wanna know" i spat knowing in my head i  couldn't think of anything.

"what happened to your hair?" elliot asked, seeming genuinely interested

" i chopped it off" i said in an obvious tone

Elliot's pov 🫶🏼

she cut her hair.

how did i not notice before i sat down?

why do i even care ? i shouldn't care.

"i chopped it off" she said like i wasn't just as smart as her

"no shit sherlock, why did you do it?"

"it was really dead i wanted a fresh look"she said. I never thought about what she would look like with short hair, i think it looks alright.

"you look like lord farquard".

"shut up elliot look at yourself in the mirror",i looked at her trying not to show a reaction but is my hair really bad? I haven't changed it in a year, has she thought i looked ugly this whole time?

Margot's pov

At the end of assembly we were told to go to our assigned form classes and to my dismay i had the same tutor as in secondary school, she wasn't bad but it would've been nice to have a new one.

entering the class i see i'm the first one here, probably because i knew the quickest route, i've been doing it for five years

"Margot hi i can't believe you're in my form again!"

"i know right!, how has your summer been miss?" i question

"it's been good but i have missed you guys, the summer felt so empty without you"

i hear footsteps loudening, i look over and there's a crowd of people walking in, i catch eyes with the one and only elliot danes, god! why cant i have a break!

"hey stranger" leo from y11 french has just sat down beside me, he's nice, but not my type. He doesn't seem to get the message though.

its weird being in this classroom again, same class,teacher but different kids.Part of me misses my old form even if it was a love hate relationship.

i hear a chair scrape beside me and look over to see elliot sitting down. i shoot him a scowl and he does the same. "don't be flattered,i'm sitting in the seating plan" he huffs as i look at the board in disbelief. " oh for fucks sake" i don't know why elliot and i are always put in the same classes it's ridiculous

"what a levels did you take" leo asks

"maths, geo and economics" i replied

i feel a tug on my hair and turn around immediately "hey" i whisper-shout, glaring at elliot

"we must have maths and econ together, this is going to be an annoying two years"he stated looking me in the eyes

" why such the pessimist eli? i'm sure we'll have a wonderful time together" i smile sarcastically

"right guys here are your timetables, please can everyone have their lanyards on show at all times it's health and safety"

she passes us the timetables, elliot and i glancing at eachothers sheets, let out a groan at the sight of 2/3 of our timetable being the same. thank god for my my hatred for physics and love for geography otherwise i wouldn't get a break from him

"looks like we'll be seeing a lot more of eachother" he rolls his eyes

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