chapter 2- getting acclimated

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we've been dismissed from form to go to our first lesson which is economics for me, i'm not really sure if im going to like economics or hate it, i probably should've done some more research

walking in there's a seating plan on the board and i take my seat, thankfully elliot's at the front and i'm at the back so there's minimal contact

we have a new teacher i'm not too sure how good she is but we'll see


it's lunch, entering the sixth form café i scour the room for darcy, eventually realising she's sitting with
loverboy which means i'll have to sit with him and his aggravating best friend

i sit down next to them, smiling at darcy , hearing her giggle makes me realise how happy she is because of this new thing, i guess i'm gonna have to hang around him for longer than i thought

elliot sits down opposite me giving me a confused look, i tilt my head towards my best friend and he catches on, rolling his eyes

"so how was everyone's summer" . asks obviously sensing the tension

" good

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 04, 2022 ⏰

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