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(Zeros P.O.V.)
I can't believe how much she has changed/grew up. she was on murder mode I couldn't tell weather she was really gonna kill me or if she was just being protective over the baby and Kaname. She was afraid to kill, like when I entrusted her with the hunters gun she refused to use it, and now she will kill me without even blinking and it's like she and Kaname switched their switches, kaname's turned off, and Yuuki's turned on.

(Kaname's P.O.V.)
We're in the dining room having when all of a sudden Zero comes in thinking about something. he seems pretty into his thoughts, they're probably about Yuuki.
"Good morning ... Zero" said Yuuki while holding yurii.
"Yeah whatever"
"Hey you should be more respectful to her she did a lot for you" I said while referring to her giving up her blood for him "and so did I" and also referring to the blood I gave him that saved his ass.
"Well I don't you have much room to talk" said zero in a dickish way.
"Actually I have more room to talk than your smart..."
"Enough..." said cross after sitting in silence as if to see we're the conversation was heading. "zero we know they can tell what you are feeling and I know by your actions that you will end up helping"
"Hell right I will help, help kill them"

Then Yuuki ran to him and grabbed him by the neck and screamed "IF YOU CANT DEFEND YOUR SELF THEN HOW WILL YOU KILL US WERE PUREBLOODS AND YOUR... YOUR..." she started to look sympathetic like she was saying something she felt wrong about, but she continued, "your just a level E" and then he look heartbroken as if she crush his soul. after that she took yurii and ran.
"Wait!" Zero yelled running after her.
"Told you he loved her" I said to cross and he replied with a head shake as if to say I know.

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