Chapter 1

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This all starts of where there is A-Troupe auditions. Our couple Michael and Liam, both auditioning to join the same dance studio 'The Next Step'. Who ever gets into A-Troupe will be going to Regionals!

The studio head is Ms Kate and she is not only looking for her new A-Troupe but also the new dance captain. Someone who has great moves, is kind and bonds with others well.

Dancers from different studios have travelled to audition for A-Troupe at The Next Step. TNS (The Next Step) is a well known dance studio that has had quite a few past successes at regionals. Everyone who is auditioning wants to go to regionals as a TNS member to hopefully win.

Everyone is all gathered in Studio A, which is where A-Troupe practice. People are either stretching, practicing or even making new friends. Michael is however feeling nervous about the auditions. Liam is comforting him and telling him that they will both make it through. Michael and Liam have both known each other since they were young, around the age of 8. The pair have always been together and have been at the same studios and have danced in many shows together.

Michael begins to stretch as Liam also follows on to do the same. Michael feels a little better from his boyfriend's comfort.

Ms Kate walks into Studio A after being sat in her office preparing for the auditions. If you have not guessed already or have not watched the show then Ms Kate is the studio head of TNS.

"Ahem, may I have everyone's attention please" Ms Kate says. "Now is the time to begin the A-Troupe auditions!" she exclaims. "To start of I want each and every one of you to show me your best dance moves. One at a time." Ms Kate excitedly finishes. She is looking forward to see what everyone has to offer.

Music starts playing in the studio as Ms Kate stands to the side of the dance floor to watch. A young girl from a dance studio in France begins the auditions by showing off her best dance moves. Then following on, others begin their auditions. However waiting by the side, is a nervous Michael who is overwhelmed by everyone's dance moves. Liam sees this and gently holds Michael's hand. He gives him a reassuring smile as he looks back at person dancing. Michael tries to relax his thoughts and soon realises that it is his turn to dance.

The music starts as Michael begins to start. He surely does show off his best moves as he does many turns and even some Ariel's. (Idk if that's how you spell, very sorry I do not know much about dancing lol. I don't know what else to possibly write about his mini solo but please imagine if you can).

Michael finishes after showing off some moves. Ms Kate appears to have a smile on her face suggesting she is impressed. Michael walks back to his boyfriend after catching his breath.

"You did amazing" Liam states with a smile.
"Thanks" Micheal replies with a slight smile back.

"And lastly can I have Liam please?" Ms Kate asks looking up from her clipboard of everyone's names. Liam slowly walks up to the middle of the dance floor as Micheal whispers a "good luck".

Liam does great as he shows off with his pirouettes and does a load of flips. (Again I'm sorry I don't know specific dance moves.)

"Okay thank you very much everyone" Ms Kate says as Liam returns back to Michael. "How did I do?" Liam asks his boyfriend with a smirk. "Amazing" Michael replies grabbing onto Liam's hand.

"You all did a fantastic job. Very impressive indeed." Ms Kate says happily. Everyone begins to clap for each other. "However, I am afraid I do have to eliminate some people." Everyone's smiles then turn into a worried look. "Now I am going to give you all a number either 1 or 2. If you are number 1 please stand to the left of me, if you are number 2 please stand to the right of me." Ms Kate then begins going down the line of people giving everyone a number of 1 or 2, not in order though may I add.

She then reaches Liam and Michael and gives them bother the same number being 2. Liam holds onto Michael's hand as they both walk to stand to the right side. Michael is happy he has the same number as Liam so that they cannot be separated through elimination or not. They look at each other as the anxiously wait for Ms Kate to say whether they are through.

"Okay if you are number 1... I am so sorry to say that you have been eliminated. Thank you so much for coming here and you can always try again next year. You may take your bags and leave." All of the number one's sigh with frowns hearing they've been eliminated. They all walk over to get their things and exit the building.

"Now I am happy to say that all of you number two's are entering round 2! We will begin this tomorrow so make sure to go home and get a rest then come back tomorrow to start." Ms Kate excitedly says. She returns to her office as she marks off who has been eliminated.

Michael and Liam look at each other as Michael brings to jump up and down in excitement he has passed round 1. Liam slightly laughs and says "well done" to which Michael replies with a "you too". They hug each other and then begin to get their bags and leave.

They walk out hand in hand and as they reach outside Liam gives Michael a kiss on the cheek. Michael smiles and then they both walk together back to their homes.

End of Chapter

So how was this chapter? This is my first ever story and I hope everyone liked it!

What do you all think about the couple?
Can you predict what happens next?

Finishing on 1026 words.

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