Chapter 39

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Something was wrong. I could feel it.

A sharp pain stabbed my abdomen for a brief moment. I clutched my stomach until it eased out a second later and mellowed into a light throb. Quickly, I propped myself up on my elbow and pressed my fingers against my forehead.

Something was definitely wrong.

"Lilly." I called out into the darkness. When I didn't hear anything I looked to the left "Baby?"

The bed was empty. The sheets looked messed up but she wasn't there.

My eyes widened as I sat upright on the bed. Everything in me was urging me to burst out of the room and run around the house until I found her. I resisted the temptation and tried to think for a minute.

When I focused, I was able to recall that she briefly told me she was using the bathroom. I got up and walked to the bathroom door with little regard of how much noise I was making through the halls.

The bathroom was empty. The light was shut off and the door was left wide open. Panic started to fill up my stomach. I scoped the house for her scent and traced a very feint hint of it leading downstairs. My feet pounded down the steps, following the smell to the laundry room and then into the garage.

She was definitely here. The scent was fading out but it was still detectable. I flipped the garage light switch on and saw seven cars lined up.

Seven I thought and my blood ran cold We normally have eight.

I flipped the switch off and slammed the door shut.

"Hey!" I shouted while turning on lights everywhere around the house "Everyone! GET UP!"

I ran upstairs and started opening bedroom doors.

"Ang!" I dodged the pillow that she threw at me "Now's not the time! Lilly's gone!"

All I saw was a blonde head sit up in a blur of motion before I ran to the next room. The lights went on and the figure under the blanket cringed.

"Aiden! Get up!" I shouted.

My brother winced under the newly exposed light "What the hell man? Do you know what time it is?"

"I don't give a shit what time it is." I gritted "Lilly's gone."

"What do you mean Lilly's gone?" I heard Angela from behind. I turned around to see her and a very tired Jason following her, with an equally worried expression.

I shut my eyes for a moment "She wasn't in bed. When I tried to find her I managed to track a really thin trail of her scent into the garage and one of the cars is gone. What else does that mean?"

"Calm down Declan," Ang said "She may have just gone for a drive."

I shook my head "Dad made it clear to us that we're not supposed to leave the house after eight. Lilly always followed that rule. Why would she stop now?"

"What's going on here?" snapped a voice from beside us. I turned around and saw my dad and Jane staring at me with annoyed and concerned expressions.

"If I were you, I'd have a brilliant explanation as to why you would wake anyone up at this unholy hour?" Jane complained.

I couldn't really blame her for being pissed and anxious. I'd react the same way if someone else had turned all the lights on and disrupted my sleep.

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