Chuuya Headcanons!

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A\N: Sorry guys, this isn't a Chuuya x reader chapter. I'll try not update more frequently

 I'll try not update more frequently

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Fluff Headcanons

He loves cuddles!

When his lover takes his hat, he doesn't really care...for like 4 minutes

He loves when his lover visits him in his office (if they are in the PM)

He loves when his lover calls him during work when he isn't busy (if they aren't in the PM)

He loves giving hugs from behind

He loves forehead kisses

He loves staying up late and drinking wine with his lover

He wouldn't like watching romance movies, he finds them stupid

Promises he would make

He would definitely promise to not ever hurt his lover

He wouldn't say never a lot when it comes to his lover

He would promise to get married

NSFW headcanons

He's respectful if his lover says no

He would be gentle

If he ever hurt his lover, he would be devastated

It depends on the day he's had

A/N: Thanks for reading! I'll try to update more regularly. Please put some ideas in the request page.

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