Part 2

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Tessa made a huge mistake but at first she didnt care she only cared abt her new friends even tho they were trouble she wouldn't introduce them to her mon because they are trouble after they finished exams and vacation it was time to get back to reality. It was time to go back to school. The first morning was dreadful, but I managed to get through. I was unlucky though because my worst enemy had joined my class even though I made some new friends, Pam and Maddie, they were always by my side, and we loved each other, then one day Pam decided to send me a note saying she doesn't wanna be friends anymore. I asked her why she said I just don't like you. Tessa was pretty much sad. The next day when Tessa came to class, she found her worst enemy Betty sitting next to Pam and Maddie. Maddie and Pam were twins by the way. She was so sad she didn't know what to do. She had no friends in No one 🥴 they were bullying her every day. She was so sad then one day. Pam and Maddie decided to come back to her. She know they were only back because Betty was being mean to them, but after a few months they said they don't want to be her friend again because she lied over a stupid thing. She was pretty much really sad. They broke her heart too many times then one day when Betty and Pam and Maddie were bullying her She decided it was enough. She went to the principals office and told her everything Betty got suspension and one week of detention, but Pam and Maddie they got expelled, they deserved it, but there was still something missing she just wanted someone to be her friend and someone to be there for but that someone was No one. She was pretty much lonely all the time. After the exams, the vacation finished it was back to reality again everything was going peaceful until her ex best friend joined the school when she first saw her ex best friend Veronica she was about to explode. Come back the next episode to see what happens...!

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