~Finding Him~

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{Malia P.O.V}

"Okay, so what do we know about Fleming?" Asked Scott.

"Well besides him being completely psychotic? Nothing." Said Isaac sarcastically.

"Nows not the time for that!" Said Lydia.

"Well, we do know that he was in foster care his entire life and when he was adopted the parents would send him back." Explained Sheriff.

"Why?" Asked Allison.

"They said that the neighborhood pets were going missing and that they were found in his backpack....severed." replied Sheriff.

"When he turned 18 the boys home let him go and he became more violent." He explained.

"I guess since he was never adopted he never got the love and care he wanted." Said Allison.

"That may be why he feels connected to you Malia. You were in a foster home for 2 weeks before you were adopted." Said Sheriff.

"So what's the plan? We can't catch his scent, so do we wait til he comes back to Malia?" Asked Ethan.

"What makes you think he'll come back to her?" Asked Lydia.

"He obviously has some type of infatuation for her, he'll come." Said Allison.

"What if the next visit he tries to take her too?" Asked Derek.

"He'll want to meet her alone, so if we're with her 24/7 he'll never come into the light." Stated Scott.

"If he does approach me I want my daughter far away from us." I said.

"I'll take her. I'll keep her safe." Said Derek.

I hope I don't lose it when he approaches me because I don't want to lose my only chance to find Stiles.


{Stiles P.O.V}

I was still strung up and I was growing more and more tired. I didn't want to close my eyes in case the opportunity comes to escape.

I heard Earl coming in and talking to himself.

"They want to plot. Let them plot. They don't know I'm steps ahead of them!" He whispered loudly as he paced back and forth.

"How many of your abominations are there?!" He asked as he placed the scaple to my face.

"There are many supernatural creatures in the world. But only a sane person can say when they're an abomination. And you are no sane person my friend." I replied sarcastically.

He let out are small smirk and put the object down.

"The baby." He whispered in realization.

"What? You better not lay a hand on my daughter! If you do anything to anyone I love you're going to regret it! I swear to it!" I shouted furiously.

"Don't worry Stiles. Worst case scenario: I kill you and all your friends and raise your baby as my own or make her an orphan." He said happily.

"You son of a bitch!" I shouted.

"Don't say that! I have no mother! That's why I must do what I do!" He yelled angrily.

"Awww, poor me my mom didn't want me and that's why I'm so fucked up in the head." I began teasing. " You're crazy because you chose to hold all that negativity and made it into something completely bonkers." I said.

"You shut up! Where's your mother Stiles? " he said trying to push my buttons even further.

A tears were falling down my face of a cocktail of different emotions.

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