Part 1

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11:37 pm. Only 23 minutes left 'til you could get the fuck out of here. Working at the gas station was the most boring fucking job ever, but there had to be some way to pay for all the gigs you went to. Time seemed to go so slow, especially the night shift; half the time was spent looking at the clock to see how much time you had left. At least you had your Walkman with you to help pass the time. Hmmm, what should you listen to... Poison... Hanoi Rocks... L.A. Guns... Ratt. Seemed to fit the mood good enough for right now. As the music started to play and the guitar rang out, you remembered about him. Warren. Your summer fling of '81.

Warren Demartini. That was the name of the guy you could never seem to get over. You and Warren had... history, to say the least. Before Warren was the sultry glam metal guitarist he was known for now, he was just an aspiring boy in a big city. And you happened to know him. You'd known Warren since he was a kid, living on the same street as one another for as long as you could remember. You'd always considered him a friend, but when high school started, your feelings for him had changed into something else. Warren was the cutest fucking guy to grace the halls by far. You couldn't escape those deep eyes and that sweet, sweet smile. And he was so innocent with it too.
'Hey, Y/N, what's up, sniffles?!' he'd giggle whenever he saw you, ruffling your hair. Sniffles was the nickname he'd given you for your, well, sniffles, due to your terrible hay fever. You thought it was cute nonetheless. It wasn't until 12th grade, though, that you two formed a different kind of connection.

By this point, Warren had become something of a name for himself in your town, playing the guitar for small gigs when he wasn't in class. You promised him that you would always support him through his musical endeavours, and so you did, turning up to all but one of his shows, which was the night before a big exam. Warren began dedicating a song for you at each of his gigs, to show his gratitude towards you supporting his talents.
'So, uh, this song is dedicated towards a girl in the audience. I think you know who you are. You're fucking great and I love you'
It made your heart melt, but you questioned if he really did love you. Of course, he loved you in a friendship way, but did he really love you like you loved him. Something a little bit more. And so you asked him one hot summers night, over at his house, laying on his bed.
'Warren, do you love me?', you poked.
'Of course I love you what the hell are you talking about', he scoffed.
'I mean like, do you love me'.
'Why wouldn't I?', he replied, looking slightly confused.
'So, do you want to make it official?', you asked him.
And that was that.

Summer '81 was the best you'd had in your life. The weeks spent making out under the pale moonlight, listening to all your Kiss vinyl and sharing every second of your life with Warren, your now boyfriend, were like magic.

But all good things had to come to an end.
College was right around the corner for you, and Warren was extremely focused on his music career. It was a relationship destined for heartbreak. A few days before your breakup, Warren had just been offered a position to play lead guitar in Ratt, something which you were so happy for him, however, you knew this would be the final straw to your love affair. It was that night when you let him know. Stood on his doorstep, you ended things. Well, tried, at least.
'Warren, you know how much I love you. And, trust me, I always will. But I know we just won't work, with me moving across country and you living the high life. I don't care what you say, I know you're going to find someone better on the road. And I don't want to be left broken in the long run'
You poured out all your emotion to him with tears welling in his eyes.
'What? What the fuck? Why the fuck would you think that? Y/N, I'm actually fucking hurt that you see me as someone like that. I can assure you that you're my fucking everything, baby. What can I do to make you see?', he cried, shaking and stuttering.
'Look, Warren, I'm sorry. I wish you the best of luck throughout everything. There'll always be a place in my heart for you. Goodbye'
Walking off into the distance, you could hear shouts of your name and sobbing. That was the last time you ever saw him.

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