The beginning (Chapter 1)

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 Hello! I am Casey Shroomz, or Shroomz_123 from twitch! I am a upcoming Minecraft streamer with a LOVE for the dream smp! This is completely my original OC, please do not steal :> 

Here is some important info u need to know:

-my spelling is terrible  so sorry if I misspelled a few things (auto correct saved my  life)

-this is wayyyyyy beofre the smp started, about 5-7 years beofre. 

- there will be other OC's mentioned that have not been written about yet, such as Caput, Llimo, Roxxane, and Mercy.

Thank you! :D

 "¡Eleanor! Vamos mama vocación tú abajo!" ("Eleanor! Let's go mom's calling you downstairs!") Juanita called from the landing.

"¡Si Si hold you caballos!" Eleanor answered. She slowly walked down the stairs, dreading the day before her. Her older sister, Juanita, was extremely favored over Eleanor, although not because of personality or who-came-first, but looks. Juanita was a pure lutistic axolotl in her coloring , and- well- Eleanor came out as a Chimera. A chimera axolotl is when a melanoid- or black axolotl- and a lutistic axolotl- aKa pink- as eggs, mix together and merge, forming a chimera, or a half half. They usually will not live, but Eleanor is a lucky case. I'm not going to go into details because- well- this is a story, not a lesson on axolotls. El's dad was also not only half melanoid, but also half wither. He could sprout witheros flowers out of his hands, while his wife sprouts lavender. Eleanor can do both, but her mother is afraid that her fathers witheros flowers will harm and fatigue her sister, but is mostly just worried about her own self, not her child.Her father left after El was born, and her mother had blamed El for him leaving ever since. Eleanor will also not live past the age of 25 or so because she is only 1/4 wither, and her body is not strong enough to be able to sustain that kind of power, so she is going to slowly die from the inside out.

Eleanor trekked downstairs only to hear her mother praising Juanita.

"Ahhh my beautiful child." Eleanor's mother tucked a peice of Juanita's hair behind their ear. "I made you some panqueques. Oh- and- you-"Their mother game Eleanor a feirce look as she pointed to a broom in the corner of the kitchen."Sweep the cocina. And do not go near the jardìn."

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