Who are? (part 3)

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As Eleanor stepped through the "portal", colors lit up. The world was more animated I guess you could say. Everything was- sentimental and memorable. It was soft, and the distance of a nearby beach was blurred. Flowers swayed as the edge of the forest broke out into sand. Eleanor turned to see the portal missing. Confused and worried, she looked out for any civilization. Fortunately, there was a dock made out of dark brown wood, and old pirate looking ship, and a decent sized house.  There was a boy?- 

He had dirty blonde hair that fades down the sides of his head and appeared fluffy on top. He had two large spiraled dark chocolate sheep-ish horns on the side of his head, and his face was blocked by a white mask with a deceiving smile. He wore black jeans with a green hoodie. 

He was shooting bows and arrows at a target. Eleanor stuck out behind a tree, watching. He shifted his feet and faced to a target that was the same direction as Eleanor. He missed the shot. It hit Eleanor straight though the shoulder. 

"SHIT!" The boy yelled. He raced over the El. He was about ten feet away from her. He stood there, bow in hand as Eleanor lay on the ground still as a rock. "PUFFFYYYYYY!-" The boy called. He sounded about 16-17. He ran into the house. A short, maybe 5'2 women followed behind him. 

"Holy shit slow down!" The boy dragged the women by her wrist, as she appears to be his mother. She had pearly white hair on most of her head, but on the bottom half was an organized strip of rainbow. She had a captain- pirate sailor hat with a matching uniform as her clothes, and looked absurdly small compared to her son, but had the same horns with a little sheep nose and a tail. As the women who appeared to be named Puffy, peered down at Eleanor in shock. She wasn't worried about the damage to her shoulder because that was an easy fix, but wondered where she came from. Eleanor had a small patch of lavender sprouting out where she had been stabbed by the arrow, and the patch grew larger every few seconds. "What- the-...woah." Puffy stared intensely at the dark haired girl lying before her. 

"T-take them inside. Lie them on the couch and I'll be in in a few." Puffy stuttered, thinking hard. She tapped her foot agents the sand, biting her nails staring at the ground.

"You-sure? I mean we don't even know WHO this is- Only the gods know where she came from-" The boy started, but Puffy held her hand up to his face. 

"Just- stop talking and do as I say for once. I'm thinking." Puffy stood in silence after she said that. She didn't sound angry, just deep in thought and stress.

The blonde picked up Eleanor and brought her into the house. As he set her on the couch inside, he carefully removed the arrow. He poured some sorta healing potion over it, and it healed almost entirely. Before it closed up, he pulled the lavender out of the way. Eleanor's eyes started to flutter open weakly as she stared upon the older boy. 

"Hey there?-you alright?"

Axe's story (for a dream smp OC)Where stories live. Discover now