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in which your character has the best day/night of their lives

Nova and Ann, the friend who held back Hannah during Nova's fight, sluggishly trailed after Hannah as she skipped around the carnival that just came into town. They both wore hoodies that covered their faces and large sunglasses, in Hannah's opinion, they were being quite dramatic.

"Guys, don't be boring, no one will care or judge you for being here!" she coaxed.

The two halted, both making exaggerated gestures towards the pink and purple theme of the carnival and the whole buttload of unicorn and other animal plushies hanging from the bright strings.

"Okay, fine, maybe some people will judge, you secret not hardcore dorks." Hannah finally budged. "But not all of them, c'mon don't be spoil sports, I'll buy you all - drum roll, please - fucking cotton candy. Who wouldn't want 'fucking cotton candy'?" She wiggled her eyebrows at the unamused Nova.

"You can't buy us with fucking cotton candy." Nova finally said as they continued their excruciatingly slow journey to the first roller-coaster.

Finally, Ann had enough, rushing a farewell and bolting from the carnival like it was on fire. Hannah gave Nova a look. "Please take those silly things off and get on a ride with me."

"I prefer other types of rides." the brunette replied, her smirk finally showing up before changing the subject. "Come here with someone else that's not Ann or me, let's go somewhere that's actually fun."

Hannah glowered within indignant scoff. "That's offensive, my idea of fun can actually be fun if you, oh, I don't know, participated in rides sometimes? Look, there's a throwing darts game!"

"No, Blake, we're going." Nova persisted, grabbing Hannah's arm and dragging her out and away from the carnival. "Alright, this is my baby."

"A motorbike? You're so stereotypical." Hannah pouted, still annoyed with the carnival situation. "Leather, a select few of silent friends, bitchy attitude, underage drinking and now, unpredictably, a motorbike!"

"Shut up, just hurry up, I want to take you to have some real fun." Nova smirked at Hannah's huffy expression. "Fine, want me to reword? You get to know more about me as a person and what I do during my past times."

"You're a bitch." she huffed. "And I don't really want to know what you do for fun," she added as an afterthought.

"As usual." Nova's grin widened, revving her vehicle before accelerating out of the carnival abruptly.

Hannah let out a short shriek into the brunette's ear, only to be shut up by having a mouthful of Nova's hoodie.

When the driver halted the motorbike, her face was lit up by a thousand watt grin and Hannah's hair was messier than the previous bird's nest she had on her head.




Nova laughed maliciously, not unlike a Disney villain.




"Aw, ducks!" Hannah cried out again, a paintball landed right beside her head, scaring the lights out of her.

"You gave yourself away, Blake!" Nova's reply came from the other side of the arena.

Biting her lip, Hannah hoisted the gun over her shield and rapid fired towards the general direction from where Nova's voice came from. To her surprise, a grunt and a clattering sound came from where she shot.

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