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in which your character makes a prank call

"Hello, this is Pizzaah. How may I help you?" a cool voice came from the other end.

Hannah stifled her giggles, hissing when Nova slapped her arm.

"Eh, hello, I'm Elizabeth Alexandra Mary." Hannah said through the line, her voice was softer, higher and accented with an accurate - though exaggerated - English accent.

"Hello, Ms. Mary, how may I help you?" the worker repeated their question.

"Did you know, Ms..."

"I'm Ann. How may I help you?" Ann Grayson repeated for the third time, annoyance tinging her words.

Nova rushed out of the room and howled, which was a muffled squeak in Ann's ears.

"Did you know, Ann, that I have four children, Charles, Anne, like you, Andrew and darling Edward." Hannah droned, "They're all beautiful, Charles takes after his father, you know? Jeepers, I do wish to go back in time and see my little princess Anne take her first steps again. Oh, if you're delivering, maybe you can stop for a while and see their baby photos!"

Ann Grayson almost ripped the phone off the cord. "I would have a tight schedule to follow and I'm not delivering today, twisted ankle."

"Oh, dear, are you alright? What happened? Was it those lads out on the streets again, I swear, they never bugger off, always causing a racket." Hannah let out a prolonged sigh.

"You mentioned delivery, ma'am?" Ann's voice was hard, annoyance seeping through the phone lines.

"Oh, yes, my eighty nine year old heart can't handle anything but pizza right now," Hannah said. "Oh, wait, I'm craving tea and crumpets right now."

Ann groaned. "Well, are you sure this is healthy for you, Ms. Mary?"

Nova crept back into her own room, approaching the bed and then leaping onto it, causing Hannah to yelp and bounce a little. "Come back to bed, baby. We're celebrating my twentieth birthday, no more business calls with your business partners at Bikini Bottom and Pizzaah."

"Oh, wait a second, Ann. Christine Daae, babe, please, this is important, I'm organizing a meeting and it's going well right now." Hannah purred, something she didn't know she could do. "Anyway, Ann-"

"You're on first name basis with your business partner?" Nova whined in her high voice again. "Are you cheating on me?"

"Um-" Ann started through the phone.

Hannah gasped. "I would never, Christine-Ass-Destroyer!"

Ann growled. "Ms. Mary, ma'am. Do you need anything?"

"Oh! Of course, could I have a pizza?" Hannah pursed her lips to stop from laughing, watching as Nova's face turned red. "Christine," she started, but then proceeded to moan.

The other girl on the phone made a guttural sound. "Listen here, punks, thanks so much for keeping me on the line and entertained so I didn't have to do real work, but I'm going to have to hang up if you're not actually going to get anything."

Nova groaned before saying in a sultry voice that almost made Hannah's pants drop, "Elizabeth, yeah, baby, ride me!"

"Alright, Queen, musical character, I'm going to have to hang up. Say bye to Hannah and Nova for me." Ann said without even a hint of frustration or anger in her voice. "Thanks for helping me slack off and I hope you weren't actually fucking while I was on the phone."

The line went dead.

"She's such a banana!"

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