The First Day (1)

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"Buzz," went the sound of the alarm clock. David slowly lifted his hand and slammed it against the clock to shut it up. He slumped out of bed and began to walk towards the bathroom.

"Oh joy. Another wonderful day of school," he said sarcastically to himself. He yanked a drawer open and reached inside. He gently brushed his teeth while he stared into the mirror.

He had black silky hair, a slightly muscular body, and a light tan skin. After a good two minutes of brushing, He spat mint toothpaste into the sink. He then ran out and charged downstairs.

After pouring a bowl of cereal with low fat milk, he slumped into his chair and began to engulf the Cheerios. His mother came down stairs while he was cleaning out the bowl.

"You're up early aren't you?" She said lazily as she passed through the threshold of the kitchen.

"Yeah, I got to get ready for school. I don't want to considering all the fun I had during Summer," David explained. David pulled open the door to the nearby closet and dragged his book bag out. "Look! I even think that my book bag has collected dust from being stuck in there," David said pointing at the bag that he held.

"Just pat it off, Hun," his mother said like he was a little kid again. She pulled a packet of coffee out, placed it in the coffee machine, and pressed the start button. She then started to giggle as the water splattered into the cup.

"Are you ok, Mom?" David asked worriedly.

"Yeah, I am fine," she replied. After she finished the sentence she had another burst of laughter. David didn't buy it.

"So, anyways, aren't you suppose to go to work on Mondays?" He asked a little confused that his mother still wore her night gown.

"Yes," she replied.

"So why are you still in your gown?"

She began to walk towards the stairs as she said something that really startled David. "It is because it is Sunday not Monday."

(Much more to come soon :))

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