Fear In Her Eyes

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(G/t. Don't like, don't read. Thank you!)
Trust had come far easier to Elena than she and Tirion expected. Elena herself thought that due to instinct she would have run as far away from Tirion as fast as possible during their first encounter, but not only did she stay put, but she actually mustered up enough courage to reveal herself to him. She actually found that she believed him when he said that he would not hurt her. Now here she was, hiding behind a vase on a table, her eyes wide with fear as the being who had taken her in knelt in front of the table, asking herself why. She had heard the stories of giants, and while some were light-hearted, others were not so much. She was currently taking into consideration all of the possibilities as she peeked out from behind the 'barrier', her heart beating rapidly and little beads of sweat forming on her forehead. She was looking directly into his eyes. His eyes... a little voice said again in her head. They held so much emotion as she cowered behind the large structure in front of her. Worry, sadness, sympathy and hurt, those were the main ones, but she could also see a hint of guilt, as if he felt that this was his fault, that he was the reason she was hiding.

He'd be right, she thought, he's just... so big. One false move, and... she didn't dare finish the thought, but it still lingered. He could hurt her, or worse, so easily. She didn't want to take the risk, so she hid behind the vase, hoping that maybe he would give up and that she could find a way to get down from the kitchen table without having to jump too far. She had already been considering some ideas, but the only real option would be for him to help, and she certainly wasn't about to approach him in any way, shape or form. After what felt like eternity, she broke the eye contact and pulled herself back behind the vase. She heard a deep sigh from behind her, but she wasn't going to look at him again, he scared her too much. She jumped when she heard his deep voice break the silence.

"Little one...?" he said quietly, saddened that she was so frightened by him. "It's alright; I'm not going to hurt you... I thought you knew this from the woods."

No response. He could however hear rapid breathing and a very faint whimpering noise from behind the vase. He knew it, he scared her. If she's scared of me now, why did she trust me so easily back in the woods? He asked himself, thoroughly confused by her actions.

"Why are you so afraid of me?" he asked. He figured that he would leave her alone if she didn't respond this time. He wanted to show her that he respected her, but she also wanted to know why she was so nervous. He sighed sadly when she still didn't say anything. "Alright, I guess you're not going to talk to me... I'll set something up so you can at least get down on your own since I doubt you want any help from me... I guess you just need time or something..." he said.

Elena sighed with relief. He was finally giving up and leaving her alone. This would give her a chance to figure things out. She briefly considered finding a way to escape, but then she remembered that she was the one who had said yes to going with him. He had never once made any move to pick her up, and as a matter of fact he actually gave her the option to climb into his hand. Maybe he respects me...? she thought, seriously wondering if that was the case. She was quickly pulled out of her thoughts as she heard some loud noises. She jumped, giving off some sort of squeal-noise, and daringly peered out, breaking her promise to herself that she wouldn't, and saw the large figure begin to move things around, pulling up a chair near the table and setting some books on it, followed by a few other things that made for a makeshift staircase that would allow her to get down from the table easily and safely.

"I'll be around if you want to talk, unless you want to leave and change your mind about getting help from a giant... I'd understand if you did, no one really ever trusts me. I thought you had for a moment back in the woods, but I guess I was wrong..." Tirion said, and with that he left the room to give her some space and some options, leaving Elena to her own business.

"Well, I should at least say something to him..." she said, and began to climb down from the table with ease.

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