Horror Undefined

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'Mum, mum, look at this!'
Happiness lit Cadence's almond shaped eyes as she showed her mum the picture of the golden society. Australia.
"It's like a dream come true"
An Elysian Field in Utopia
Kalissa Hunter looked at the picture her twenty year old, almost independent daughter shoved in front of her
"Oh Cadence sweetheart" she said
"Australia's too far from the Philippines, I don't think he'd want you to go"
Instantaneously Cadence's joy gave way to sadness
"I knew you might say that, but I'm certain he'd let me live if he were...."
"Alive" Kalissa sobbed
"Yes, Cadence I miss your dad too"

Kalissa hated to see the excitement dying in her eyes. But she was protective of her, overprotective since her father was brutally murdered and even though Cadence was twenty, she was stills child in so many ways besides Khalid Berker, Cadence's dad's best friend would go potty about Cadence leaving Quezon City for such a far country and she had made a great life there, she had according to her, Rome Park, the perfect boyfriend and her highschool mates.
Kalissa had made a deal with her new husband, Jolly Thompson to get settled in Quezon City for as long as forever and he was real crabby so bringing up such topic about Cadence leaving alone, would be setting off a ticking time bomb that would most definitely cause am inescapable explosion.

Cadence knew all this, especially how her foster dad gets when he's angry. Why can't he just grow up?
Ever since she was ten, she fussed on and on about going to the golden society in Queensland and it was too far away.
Cadence would not listen.

Kalissa glanced discreetly at Cadence's body. Although thin, she has a well developed bosom and voluptuous curves around her body in all the right places. Cadence had placed all over her rooms, photos of Lauretta Caity Sharpe, her biggest celebrity idol. The most talented singer in the Golden society and Kalissa felt the presence of this pictures motivated Cadence and she can't persuade her to give up on her dreams, she said singing is just as important as breathing, besides if it were all up to her, she'd set her free to live her own life than having to watch her grow up to hate her, but she may not be able to convince her very short tempered husband.
Kalissa loved Cadence above everything, she was the fruit of the love she shared with James Hunter. A proof of his undying love and loyalty. She sometimes feared for her, she was headstrong and self willed and very determined. With those bright almond shaped eyes, the thick straightness of her long brown hair in contrast to her pale face and skin.
"But I want to go"
Cadence cried,
"Mom, I want to go. I want to go. I've wanted to go since I was ten"
Kalissa sighed
"Cadence, I understand, I do"
Cadence shunned,
"No mom. You don't. Seriously how can you even say that, to you singing and dancing is nothing but some mere accomplishment, something to pass the time" Cadence said scornfully
"Mom, I can sing. I wanna sing, if I can't sing mom.... I might as well die"
Cadence ran out of the room - crying

Now as she looked at her cellphone, she wiped the tears off her doll like face and wondered why Rome hasn't called yet and he no longer visited as frequent as he used to. He had called earlier that day, then hung up and promised to call back real soon and they had parted on good terms
"Damn you" Cadence swore and wished she never called him the perfect boyfriend
He was in no way, flawless but her heart did not seem to care, either way, she vowed to leave for Australia early next April, whether the world likes it or not.

"What do you think Jolly?
Do you agree with my plan"
Kalissa asked her husband later that evening. They had been married for three years now but she didn't feel safe with him, unlike the way she felt with Cadence's father.
"You said, leaving South Africa will be the last time we'll relocate" Jolly said
"I know, but Cadence......"
"Damn you Lissa Hell!" Jolly yelled
"We've only been married for three years but we've been moved out twice, what sorta life is this? Kalissa, tell me until when are we gonna keep wondering?"
"I worry for her Jolly" Kalissa said struggling to calm him
"She's so......"
"Attractive" Jolly supplied
"I was gonna say headstrong"
Kalissa told him
An ugly silence followed
"Look I'm sorry Jolly but I know my daughter, she's gonna leave anyway with or without me, the least I can do is go with her, so I can look after her"
Kalissa said but Jolly had already turned over in their bed, and pulled the bedclothes up over his ears

Cadence Dorin Hunters had gone off to see Rome Park to inform him of her departure to Queensland and part of her had hoped she'd gone with him, she knew there were other things important to him and she wished she knew exactly what they were. Cadence knew her boyfriend was a really secretive person, sometimes she was terrified, Rome said little or nothing about his last life or experiences, besides his surname, favourite colour and most superficial qualities, Cadence couldn't claim she knew him at all. His life was top-secret, he lived alone in his little condo unit, isolated like he avoided tbe world and it's troubles. But she knew he loved her - he claimed he did so
"We didn't agree to met up today"
Rome said primly as he ushered her into his posh condo
"I thought I might surprise you"
"What's this about? Dorin, I know you. You didn't come all this way just to surprise me"
Rome sighed
"So go on. Spill"
"Rome. I'm leaving"
The way Rome reacted almost made her fall, she had come to him for absolution but the look on his face was the opposite - so rigid with anger.
"I have... Haven't told my mom yet"
She stuttered
"Because if I do, she wouldn't let me, but I'm gonna go to Queensland, Australia and I'm hoping maybe you'd wanna come with me"
Rome hissed as he stood up, facing her somebrely. He said
"I don't want this to sound like a warning, Cadence and I definitely don't want it to sound like a threat but if you leave Quezon City, if you leave me, then I'm afraid we can never be together...."
Words she have not heard before from Rome fell plain from his mouth and they argued long and hard but Rome wouldn't see sense. Despite all that, Cadence swore to leave Quezon for good.

Cadence Dorin Hunters turned around as she heard the door to her pink painted bedroom swung open
"Checking up on me by any chance mom"
She thought and immediately remembered that mom left to get the groceries, she froze.
"Why exactly, do you badly wanna go to Queensland Cadence?"
Someone asked coming in
"Mr Thompson"
Cadence screamed as she struggle to get off the bed
"What.... What are you doing here, where's my mum?"
"We both know the answer to that question, sweet little Cadence"
Jolly Thompson said, and Cadence noticed he was bare chested and his zipper was low and the look on his white grumpy face was not one to be sniffed out
"Mr Thompson, I advice you leave my room now or else I'll..."
He chuckled evily
"Tell your mam, it'll be alright, Cadence I'll just do the same to her as usual"
He launched himself at Cadence with such ferocity, she screamed
"Get off me"
That wasn't the first time, her foster dad tried that with her, in fact, each time was more painful and equally disgusting than the last, the house grew more dangerous for her each passing minute because her step father treated her like more of a woman and less of a foster daughter and she was really shocked to hear him say he'd have his way with her, like he always does with her mom.
Why didn't she tell her,
why is she trying to endure such a disgusting marriage?
Why did she even get married to him anyway?
How did she even meet Jolly?
Jolly Thompson whispered
"My sweet girl, my sweet little Cadence, did I upset you? Well don't worry... I'm gonna make you feel better."

To Cadence's horror, he grabbed hold of her before she could leave the room, forcing her back against the bed with the weight of the body, he climbed astride her and laughed as he watched her futile struggles to break free.
She could feel his moist laboured breath against her slender neck, he gropped her breast in his hand and squeezed it painfully. The sensation of Mr Thompson's wet mouth pressing against her cheek made her feel really sick.
Mr Thompson's voice had grown husky and thick and both his member, he shook with excitement as he pressed his body into hers, he was reading at her bras and her breast hurt from the way he rough handled it,
Cadence swam in panic, a weak scary cold filled her body, weakening her veins, she could hear the living room door swung open and Kalissa's voice saying
"Hun! I'm here"
Cadence breathed in fear and relief.

Desire isn't goldenHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin