Queensland Here I come

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        Cadence cried soberly as he wiped the disgusting taste Jolly left on her skin and wished her dad was still alive, she would have called Rome but she knew he was still pissed off, now she must leave Quezon as soon as possible, if mom hadn't arrived at that time, it could have been worse for her. Suddenly she heard the key turned in the lock, after the escapade Jolly almost had, Cadence deemed it necessary to lock her bedroom all the time and she knew only mom had the other key.
Kalissa softly called
"Sweetheart are you still mad at me?"
"Just come in mom"
Cadence said scornfully as Kalissa ushered herself in
Kalissa looked briefly at her daughter a f wondered what kind of mood she was in and then she noticed her skin was red and she had bruises all over her neck.
"Wbta happened to you?"
Kalissa scolded
"Mom it's...it's your husband"
Cadence cried,
"I'm sorry..what?"
Kalissa was crying
"Mom it's sir Jolly, he tried to force himself on me"
Kalissa could not believe her ears but she knew her daughter wouldn't make up such story and what made her potty was that Jolly admitted it when she confronted him in the living room and he also attempted it with her, Cadence had told chef Khalid Berker and as much as he didn't like it, he didn't wanna stick his note into Mr Thompson's family business and marital problems and Kalissa's ex husband had been more than a brother to him, before be was brutally murdered and justice was not yet served and Kalissa couldn't help but worry for Cadence, she can take it, not her
"This is one of the reasons why you want to leave"
Kalissa  tried to hush her crying daughter
"Sweetheart, I'm sorry I was too insensitive to see what you are going through"
"It is mama, I don't wanna stay here anymore and I certainly don't want you to"
Kalissa wiped the tears off her face
"Pack your bags sweetie, W leave for Queensland the day after tomorrow and Khalid's coming with us"

It was  a freezing cold frosty day and outside the windows of the golden society, Queensland. Lauretta could see that the sleet was falling. It was growing late so she walked across to Alaric Turner seated at the grand piano
"Did your cheap groupies leave already"
She enquired in a sweet and puckish tone
"I see you like arguments"
Alaric Turner shot back
"What's your big problem, Lauretta Sharpe?"
"Your infidelity, Mr Turner, it stabs me that you're unfaithful, when will you stop with this Don Juan's attitude?
Have you no shame? Have you no respect for me Alaric?"
Alaric stood up in a frenzy, scratching his right ear ae he laughed and said
"I can't believe I heard that from you, Respect"
He yelled loudly
"That's rich coming from you Lauretta. It's sounds wrong, unpleasant and cheap"
Lauretta Sharpe banged the piano crazy, that was her favourite way of venting her anger, breaking and hitting anything she could find. Probably because she didn't know the right way.
"Damn you. Alaric, I'm your fiancee. Mr Turner, the woman you're going to marry"
Alaric Turner was already walking out of the music hall when he grinned
"Who said anything about marriage?"
"How can the Golden society respect me? When my future husband does not. I said how can the golden society fear me when you don't. Alaric!"

That wasn't the first time and it won't be the last time, Miss Sharpe would complain of Alaric's yahoo attitude. He was a complete play boy and he cared for nothing else besides his money and women, and they keep falling for him because he's terribly good looking.
Mr Alaric had had a real hard childhood but he rose up on his own and founded the golden society and he's willing to let it go for anything thing under a skirt.
When will he stop skirt chasing?
She's been dealing with the same smutty issue for years. He would never stop.

Cadence Dorin Hunters, her mom and foster dad and chef Khalid moved to Queensland on Tuesday morning and she felt like leaving almost all memories of her late father back in Quezon. But she knew it was time to start a new and put that painful chapter behind. She can't be rolling, sulking or lamenting in rented garments, dust and ashes grieving for her dad shop passed away years ago, besides she had to stay emotionally strong for mama.
She could see the lights on at the golden society at night from the chateau she lived at Queensland. She would look at the bright lights and then wish on the silver stars hoping twill be only a matter of time before she gets into the golden society and wishing really hard she'd one day meet beautiful Lauretta Sharpe in person.

Rome Park had lost touch with Cadence considering the way things. Indeed, he felt almost no remorse. Chef Khalid had set up a new restaurant in silver street and that has been Cadence's sweet spot.
Kalissa and Jolly hadn't really fixed things but he was reaching out to her and he still didn't regret what he did. He did it again.

Mom couldn't risk going to the grocery and leaving Cadence at the  mercy of her husband since Khalid was too busy at the Berker Dish and the spot they built their home was really a solitude place.
Mom had gone to the garden to feed the chickens assuming Cadence already left, but she returned to change her shoes.
"You made Kalissa hate me, don't you want me and momma to be together"
Jolly Thompson spoke as he walked toward Cadence
"You cause strife, Cadence. Now imma give you what you deserve"
Launching himself at her as he made an attempt to get to the door
"You're even more foxier than your sweet momma. I swear I had fun with her the other day at Quezon and I swear to you. I won't fail to do the same to you"
He was crazy, Cadence concluded, horrified as he lunged towards her and his bony sticky fingers clawed into the linen of her dress, she screamed as the fabric tore and fell apart.
But her fear, doubled his passion.

"Teach you a thing Cadence, like I taught your mother"
He told her thickly, his hand going to his own body as he lowered his zipper. Cadence could feel his moist sour breath on her face and then on her throat and something that looked like a fat pink grip was dangling from the opening of his pants.
Her stomach heaved.
"I care not if you tell Kalissa thus time"
He was gabbling now, an untamed look in his darkened eyes
Cadence screamed with pain and misery in her voice
Kalissa answered back and as she noticed the panic  in her daughter's voice, she rushed to her bedroom but Cadence was no longer there, instead she found Jolly Thompson seated on Cadence's sofa with his black pants loosed.

No one had ever attempted such intimacy with her and she didn't imagine they would, mom had taught Cadence to be a reserved and conservative Filipino woman, even if she was half Australian.
Kalissa Hunters didn't need to ask Jolly what he was trying to do, his appearance and location already sent the message, all she had to do was find her daughter and she could be anywhere, they were new to this place. So where could she be except,
The Golden society.
Kalissa concluded. Chef Khalid had to leave Berker Dish to the care of his employee he just met to look for his best friend's daughter.

Chef Khalid Berker arrived at the Golden society with Kalissa who was more sad than angry, but the securities didn't let her in. After much unheeded pleas, chef Khalid succeeded in convincing Kalissa to return home.
Kalissa had no sleep that night and chef Khalid had to close the shop early to take care of Kalissa since she didn't have a supportive husband. Suddenly, the sharp ring of the telephone interrupted Kalissa's thoughts, she rushed over to pick up the phone and she wasn't disappointed
Kalissa heard Cadence's voice as she picked up the call, full of pain, weakness and fear
"Dorin, sweetheart"
She prattled on
"Are you okay? Did Jolly hurt you? Where are you? We came to the Golden society but you weren't there.."
"I am" Cadence interrupted,
"I am, mom"
She was sobbing,
"And don't worry mom, I'm fine and I need you to do something for me. I hope it's okay with you"
Kalissa cried,
"Just let me see you tomorrow. I'm sorry sweetie I can't help but worry about you"
"Me too"
Cadence sobbed
"I'll see you at Berkers Dish tomorrow. Please stay with uncle Khalid for now mama"

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