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National City General


Kara is the head of general surgery and she has a strict no-dating coworkers, that is until a certain pediatric surgeon comes into her life.

This is basically a badly written Supercorp as Grey's Anatomy fanfic
(See the end of the work for more notes.)

Chapter 1: Chapter 1: Dr. Lena Kieran


(See the end of the chapter for notes.)

Chapter Text
Kara Danvers is a fearless general surgeon; she is one of the best in the world, she has saved many patients' lives, so why is she so damn scared during a budget meeting.

It's not the other doctors because Kara's close with them. Kara fiddles with a pen. Her sister, the head of trauma surgery, puts her hand on Kara's arm. "Chill out, probably just budget cuts." Kara nods.

Dr. J'onzz, the chief of surgery enters. "Good evening everyone. I'm glad you all got the memo." Dr. Dox, the head of neurosurgery, stands. "Dr. J'onzz, what's this about? We've got departments to run, you know?"

Dr. J'onzz sighs. "You guys may have noticed that we've cut down on pro-bono surgeries. We're not cutting any departments nor drawing funding from those departments. I have hired a world renowned pediatric surgeon who will be the head of peds, Dr. Lena Kieran, everyone!" He gestures to the doors and a beautiful woman enters. Everyone claps.

Kara's jaw drops. Lena Kieran is drop dead gorgeous. She has a sharp jawline and piercing blue or green eyes. She has her hair in a high ponytail and she's wearing a blue suit.

Alex nudges Kara. Kara smiles and claps. Lena smiles at Kara. Lena then looks around the room. "Hello, I am Dr. Lena Kieran. I am looking forward to being your new chief of pediatric surgery." Kara stares as Lena rambles on and everyone introduces themselves.

"Dr. Danvers-Olsen, nice to meet you." Alex shakes Lena's hand. "Please, just call me Alex, it's nice to meet you." Lena smiles. She looks at Kara.

Kara grins. "Kara Danvers, general surgery. It's nice to meet you." "Likewise, doctor." Lena smiles and then moves to talk to J'onn.

Alex hits Kara's shoulder. "Come on, you've got patients." The two doctors leave the boardroom.

Kara skips ahead. "Alex, she is so hot!" Alex laughs. "Yeah, sure." Kara turns and frowns. "Can't you agree?" Alex chuckles. "If I say she's pretty, then my therapist wife will sense it. No." Kara pouts and Alex moves ahead.

"Incoming trauma! School bus overturned!" Nia Nal, a second year neurosurgery resident, yells. She trips, knocking into Dr. Dox. He helps her up and the two have a silent conversation before rushing to the ER. Kara and Alex follow.


Lena shakes J'onn's hand again. "So, that was all of our department heads. Thank you for joining us, Dr. Kieran." Lena smiles. "I'm happy to be on your staff, and thank you for looking past my other last name." J'onn smiles. "You are welcome. You also already have privileges and you are on the board in case anything comes in." Lena nods. Their phones buzz.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 23, 2022 ⏰

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