Chapter 19: Wedding Bells

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{Carries POV}
Today was the big day when I opened my eyes I saw a note and flower on Brads pillow.

"Dear, Carrie
I can't wait to spend the rest of my life with you.
Love your future husband,

I smiled got up showered and waited for Caroline to get there to do my hair, I was kind of hoping it would be Miranda but still nothing's happening with her. Caroline walked through my bedroom door and started on my hair. After I got my dress on we headed over to the ranch, I was so nervous this was gonna be my forever moment. I heard a knock on the door and it was my mom, she couldn't stop crying Brads mother followed right behind her.

Mom: "Oh my little baby finally found the right man."

Carrie: "Why didn't you stop me from marrying Mike?"

Mom: "I did."

Carrie: "Oh yeah that's right you did."

Everyone started to laugh and then I had to get my makeup on.

{Brad's POV}
I was really nervous, Blake started to come around I mean Ran has been in that hospital bed for about a month now. I don't think I would be able to be awake if I was him. Blake walked over to my handed me a beer and we all sat down.

Blake: "I'm still performing your wedding right?"

Brad: "Yes Blake, you're marrying us, kind of weird when you think about it."

Luke: "So Brad are you guys gonna have kids once you get married?"

Brad: "Absolutely."

Luke: "Yeah it's great being a father."

Blake stood up and told us it was time to start, we walked out of the room and Blake went to the alter. I walked down the aisle then came the bridesmaids and groomsman. Luke was my best man and Caroline was Carries Maid of Honor. Then it was finally Carries turn to walk down the aisle when I first saw her I couldn't breathe, she was so gorgeous. When she got to the alter I grabbed her hand and walked her up to Blake. When we were just about to say our vows Luke got a text.

Luke: "OH MY GOD!"

He tapped me on the should met and showed me the text, I told Carrie who told Blake then Caroline.

Carrie: "Everyone I would like to thank you all for coming but we have an emergency to get to I'm really sorry."

We all ran to our cars and left the ranch.

Blake: "Oh my god I can't believe this is happening!"

Luke: "I know man."

We all walked into Miranda's room and saw her sitting up.

Carrie: "Oh my god Ran!"

Carrie walked over and gave her a hug. Blake walked into the room with tears in his eyes and kissed her.

Miranda: "Oh Carrie did ruin your wedding?"

Carrie: "No.No."

Miranda: "So I guess your now Mrs. Paisley."

Brad: "Ran we didn't get married, well not yet anyways."

Luke: "How about we have your wedding here, that way you can get married and Ran will be able to come. What do say?"

Carrie: "I say what the hell. Come Brad lets go get married."

Miranda got into a wheelchair and we all headed to the church chapel. We got there and started with our vows.

Blake: "Carrie you can go first."

Carrie had tears flossing her eyes.

Carrie: "People would say that our wedding day was ruined but it wasn't I actually got better. I don't care about a flashy wedding I don't care what I wear or where I'm at, as long as I'm with you I'm happy. I know that we'll have an amazing future together, and my songs are gonna have to change to knowing a nice man who treats me right, not a scum bag who treats me like crap. I just want to spend the rest of my life with you, and have an amazing life."

Blake: "Brad."

Brad: "Wow, um I still can't believe this is happening. When I first meet you I always had a crush on you, but I never thought you would go for a guy like me. We have been through a lot of hard ship and that just shows that no matter what life throws at us, we will never break apart."

Blake: "Oh I should have asked this in the beginning but I might as well say it. Does anyone appose of these two being wed?"

Mike/Kim: "We do."

Stay Tuned😱

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