The End Part 2

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I don't know how to end this book so I'm summarize it🫶🏼

Boom so Maddy woke up and got Jeremiah Charge dropped then she went and got the boys charge dropped.

After that her and Jeremiah got married



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Jeremiah: I love you. You are my best friend. And today i give myself to you in marriage. I take you, all of you, to have and to hold in sickness and in health. To love and cherish from this day forward in this world and the next. Through tears and laughter i will hold our bond. I choose you again and again day after day to be by my side. And with you by my side i hope to help you whenever you need. I cant promise to give you everything that you could ever want but if you give me the chance ill be everything you need. I will remain faithful to you untill the end of time. You are my best friend and i will love and respect you always. I promise to remember that neither of us is perfect but strive to remind myself of the ways that we are perfect for each other.i choose you to be no other than yourself Whoever that may be, loving what i know of you, and trusting who you will become. And lastly i vow to keep updating my vows as we go because one set of vows cant possibly cover a life time of growing and changing with.

Maddy: I promise to be your best friend. To have your back no matter what. To let you fight your own battles, but will tap in when you need help. I promise to share the covers and make sure | leave some hot water for you. To love your family as if they were my own. I promise to make sure I'm not just hungry before I yell. To not make you go to Disney World for every vacation. I promise to try new experiences as long it doesn't have cheese on it. To hold your hand every chance I get. I promise to defend you to others, even if you are wrong.
I promise to put your happiness before mine.

First Dance

On there Honey Moon Maddy told Jeremiah she was pregnant the whole time she was in a coma and the doctor managed to keep the baby alive til she woke up and they welcome there first child together

On there Honey Moon Maddy told Jeremiah she was pregnant the whole time she was in a coma and the doctor managed to keep the baby alive til she woke up and they welcome there first child together

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Maylaysia Elle Carter

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