part 5

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While they were harmoniously talking about food, and they were joking as if they were little children, a little food fell on the bed, Fiat said, "I'm sorry, it fell from me by mistake." Tawan replied, "It's okay. I'll wash it. Look at your clothes, it's dirty too." You have to take a shower and give me your clothes, I will wash them with the bed. Tawan said, but I did not bring other clothes with me. Tawan said, "Don't worry, I will bring you clothes from my locker." Tawan took the bed and went to wash it. Meanwhile, it was Fiat. He changes his clothes. Tawan entered the room and found Fiat without the shirt. He saw Fiat's naked white body and his nipples were pink. Fiat was shy, so he turned to the wall and told Tawan to get out. Don't you see that I I change my clothes, he said, "Oh, I'm sorry." I entered without knocking on the door. I'm really sorry. He said it with confusion and tension.   He said I came to collect your clothes, but you are not done, so when you are done, call me to take them to wash Fiat said Tawan I'm sorry I didn't want to yell at you but you scared me Tawan said don't worry it was my fault I didn't knock on the door   Tawan came out of the room and he was amazed at what he saw moments before the naked body and the two pink nipples. He told himself Tawan to take control of what is wrong with you. He is your brother's friend and you are his older brother. Fiat went to the bathroom to take a shower. When he finished, he called out to Tawan. Can you give me the clothes, um, are you in a hurry to smell my delicious scent? Fiat, don't worry, give me clothes, it's very cold, I'm going to catch a cold, don't be afraid, even if I catch a cold, I'll take care of you. While Tawan was giving the clothes to Fiat, Fiat grabbed the clothes and Tawan entered the bathroom......

Wait for the next part ................ I write the story when I have free time

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