Chapter 1: A New Dawn

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Autumn flowed throughout the lands, robbing trees of that identifiable green. The season brought about frigid nights and crisp mornings. Through every valley, between every tree, and up every mountain resided the Brim, a species often known by the name "dragons". To the northwest, a twisted peak sat atop the waters, inside a mountainous spiral, guarded by a forest. It was Atlas, the heart of Brimstorm, the penultimate capital of dragons.

Atlas was blessed by autumn's grace. Dragons of all kinds were in and out about their business. A series of mountains lied in the seabed, spiraling to the castle. There, far in the sky, atop the castle lie the royal halls. Red curtains blew aside, revealing a well-sized room. Eight pillars stood within, guarding four rooms of similar structure. A long, blue rug embossed with gold split right down the middle of the hall. At the far end sat a stone throne, one well fit for a dragon of great size. Draped behind it was a doorway fronted by two large curtains: The King's Quarters. The halls were well preserved by those who guarded them.

It was at this hour that a frail maiden flew in, exerting respect. The guards of the halls were busy chatting among themselves as she entered. Their attention was hoisted by her presence. She pressed through the corral of mandrakes without a word, rolling her eyes. They watched as she trotted past, down the hall, into the King's quarters. The guards peered over each other as she disappeared into the room.

"Who is she, who so bravely wanders into the royal hall?" asked one of the sentries. Another joined in, mocking such oblivion. "Why, you must be blind my good sir. That is Sleen, the King's personal nest maiden. She has been sworn to watch over his egg until its hatch." Indeed it was her, following up on her hourly checks. "She has been about this room every hour, does she not wear?" The confused guard asked. The others chuckled in response, "Your mind must have been adrift, have you not seen her in and out the past days?" another responded. Their chatter kicked out the afternoon's eerie calls of wind.

The room's calm atmosphere was soon distraught by a wave of oncoming chaos. The drapery swung open as Sleen jumped out. The guards spun their gaze toward her, frightened by her frantic shouts. She dashed out to them, "Where is the King? He must come at once!" she shouted, grabbing the nearest guards by their collars. No words were spat, but one pointed back to the hall's entrance. "You must be pulling my tail!" she whined. She scrambled back down the hall, briefly stopping to warn the guards. "Stay here, and do not go into those quarters!" she demanded. Sleen was to depart, leaving the sentries in disarray.

Her departure was not yet set. Her surroundings were blurred as she yelled out to the guards. Spinning around whilst distracted, Sleen slammed into what seemed to be an obstacle, knocking herself back. Damn pillars! she thought. She hit the floor as a hoarse voice boomed, "What is going on?" It shouted. She froze. Sleen looked up while rubbing her head. Blurred objects took up her vision until edges and shadows no longer fused. She looked forward. Her tail curled tightly as her eyes traveled the darkened shape towering over her. Two sharp hazel eyes met with hers. It was Aegis, brother of Brimstorm's King. The sentries stood afar, seemingly aloof. The worn dragon stood, hunched over the young maiden. One of his eyes was half open, further adding to his stern gaze.

He leaned in towards her, "Sleen, what brings you to cause such ruckus?" he asked. "Aegis-" she said, lifting herself up, "-is King Cinder with you? The egg is almost ready to hatch!"

The steward's head yanked back, "Sleen, are you sure about this? You have spit those same words again and again."

"Yes, yes, I promise this is no false cry! Please, Cinder must hurry, the egg will hatch soon!" she pleaded. She took a step aside, peaking out to the lands below. Aegis, seeing her perturbed so, sighed before reluctantly agreeing to help. "Ease yourself woman, he does not reside here, but we shall find him! Grab you up some guards and sweep the isles, for he surely is about!" A swift sigh of relief escaped, "As you say, Sir Aegis! Two of you mandrakes, with me!" Sleen called out, pointing to the guards behind them.

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