Chapter 3: Of Monsters and Men

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Six years passed. Life went on, maturing the young Prince. The castle halls echoed with the memories of times past. In these times, Ember ran amuck. Sleen followed, frantically attempting to hush her master's rambunctious scattering. Those were the times the two were often at odds. How had she pulled his attention? Ember loved to hear her stories. The outer provinces had a history that did not occupy Brimstorm's libraries. If Ember did not know, more often than not, Sleen had the answer.

The sun's rays danced through the curtains as they furled in the morning's wind. Ember was half awake, squinting as light pierced through the slit of his eye lids. Particles danced in the glow, fluttering all over the room. Ember inched his head around, attempting to get more comfortable. His bedding was pretty thick. It's layers of fur kept the Prince's underbelly warm.

The royal quarter's were quiet at this hour, but Ember didn't mind. He liked the quiet. As a young adult, most of the time was spent amongst the people. His father had him about all day, not to mention Sleen's constant peddling. He hoped this silence would last a little longer. I can't recall the last time I've slumbered so comfortably, he thought. He laid a little longer. His eyes closed as his mind concocted delightful scenarios. Faint ideas of dreamy hunts and soaring through breezy, spring air. Mmmm, I could go for a lively breakfast, that sounds really good.... He thought, drifting back into a heavy slumber.

The sun's warm embrace held the Prince a while more. Soon, his slumber would be broken by vicious pattering. His ears picked up its echoes, but still his eyes remained closed. Suddenly, his eyes shot open as Sleen took up his view. She shook him back and forth, yelling about something. He rose his head, still a little drowsy. "Sleen? What is it?" he asked. "Prince Ember, you must wake up this instant!" she replied. She pranced around the room, shaking her head, "Did you not hear me call for you an hour ago? Rise and prepare yourself." she demanded. Ember pulled himself up, still confused.

He watched Sleen as she began searching through a small pile of mantle pieces. "What are you doing?" Ember asked. Sleen turned, "Put this on," she said, throwing a soft, ornate fabric to him. "Why? What for?" he asked. It seemed like his words were not cutting through, as Sleen continued scrounging around the room. "Ah, here it is! Put this crown atop your head" she said gladly. She turned to the Prince. The mantle sat lopsided off his shoulders. "By the All-father, have you no elegance? Here, let me fix it." Sleen commented, looking rather displeased. Ember stood in place as the maiden adjusted his outfit.

She would not explain anything. Sleen pressed Ember out of the room, from there she pulled him by his arm. "Follow me, let us go to the grand entry." Ember followed. Her grasp was rather tight, was she anxious? The hall's exit was close, from there they would leap into the skies. Sleen kept pulling and yanking, kicking back the beautiful carpet beneath them. "Sleen, loosen your grip!" Ember yelled, suddenly halting to a stop. Sleen was sent back by the force. She came to a stop as well. "Ember, come on! We haven't much time, the guests are here!" she replied. Although it wasn't a clear answer, it was an answer. It was the best he was going to get from his frantic maid for now. The Prince immediately picked up his pace, Guests? What for?

The two leaped from above, diving down the kingdom's steep exterior. The sun left intricate, animated shadows casted over the rocks. Peering through the clouds, there sat the grand entry. Waves crashed far below its steep formation. The room busted with liveliness. Dragons had bombarded the room, surrounding its center. Ember gazed around as they flew in, attempting to spot his father.

Guards were sat mounted above on layers of stone posts. Sunlight passed through a gaping hole at the space's peak. Veils of shadows fell over the room. There, atop one of the rocks sat Aegis, and Barbas not too far from him. Yet, Cinder was nowhere to be seen.

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⏰ Última actualización: Jan 22, 2023 ⏰

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