[[ ONE ]]

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"Fuck-" Taehyung groaned, hand placed on his hip as the other hand ran through his bangs- visibly frustrated. His boyfriend, Damon stood casually propped against the wall, arms crossed against his chest as he raised a brow at Taehyung. "I mean... seriously, fuck? Are you mad about this, again?"

"Oh, I'm sorry. Am I not supposed to get pissed when my boyfriend is out being a whore?" Damon replied, cocking up a brow as he let his head tilt. He kept his tone calm, posture relaxed, looking overall nonchalant compared to his lover in front of him.

Taehyung scoffed, rolling his eyes. "Whore- since when was hanging out with my friends called being a whore, Damon?" He pinched the bridge of his nose, shaking his head as he started to pace a little.

They stood alone in a room, whisper yelling in yet another argument over god knows what.

This happened on a semi-regular basis between the pair. It's not like they don't love each other. They do, but one second they are smiling- laughing in each other's arms, then the next, they're hauled off into an empty room- arguing.

It's usually Damon having seen something that Taehyung did that upset him, and Taehyung unknowingly doing things to upset him. Safe to say at this point, communication wasn't their strong suit.

"Can you stop being such a fucking bitch for once-" Damon snapped, finally dropping his nonchalant stance against the wall as he stepped closer to the other.

"I'm being the bitch? You're the one who-" Taehyung paused to calm himself as he felt his voice start to raise, not wanting to draw attention. "You're the one who dragged me down here, for no reason, and to what? Accuse me of this shit?"

He hissed, throwing his hand into the air- pointing a finger at himself. "I wasn't being a whore. You know my father's kept me locked in this fucking place for weeks. All I did was go out and see my friends."

Damon let out a tsk and rolled his eyes, stepping closer again to shove his hand against Taehyung's chest. Taehyung flinched and covered his chest with his arms protectively. "Stop fucking lying. I saw you with Jimin, hugging all over him- might as well have been kissing him while you were at it."

Taehyung kept his arms hugged against his body, turning his gaze away from Damon. Mumbling his words almost softer than a whisper. "I'm sorry...I didn't mean for it to look like that. Was just excited to see my best friend, I'm sorry.."

"Yeah whatever, you're always sorry. Just.." Damon stepped back, rubbing his forehead in annoyance. "Leave me alone for a bit."

Taehyung visibly froze, not wanting to look up so he simply nodded- turning to walk towards the door. Reaching for the door handle with a slight hesitation, he muttered a weak "Please don't stay mad for long.." before turning the nob and walking out the door, letting it close behind him without looking back.

He never bothered to say much once Damon asked to be left alone. Once he's said that, the conversation is done. Anything else added would only set him off so Taehyung would nod and leave the other to himself for however long he needed.

He shook his head, tapping against the sides to regain his composure. Inhaling deeply, holding it in for a few seconds before exhaling- stepping back out into the hallway right as another was walking by. Accidentally colliding with him, hitting shoulder against shoulder with a wince from Taehyung. "Ow- I-I'm sor-"

"Watch where the fuck you're going, dumb fuck" The taller said sharply, adjusting his clothing back as he sends a glare toward Taehyung.

And as if the previous argument had never happened, Taehyung raised a brow and straightened up his posture. His expression made a complete 180 from what it was just seconds ago. "Excuse me? Who the fuck do you think you are?"

Jungkook turned to fully face the male, smirking subtly as he chuckled. "I'm Jeon fucking Jeongguk and clearly you are someone who needs to watch where the fuck he's going."

Oh, what a cunt...

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