Some things you need to know first

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So this is VERY important. Pleas  read, if you don't like any of of these than please click off.

My headcanons
- luke and alex dated in the past (October 1994 to march 1995)  they broke up because they decided maybe they'd be better as friends. It took alex a really long time to get over Luke as he was his first love  but  that night before the Orpheum (when they died) they talked it out and he realized they're better as friends

-Reggie use to think  it's his fault his parents would fight alot and weren't happy. This caused him to later not like it when people fight or when people yell.

-Alex has a little sister that is two Years younger than him.

-alex and Reggie have been friends since they were 4. Reggie met luke when he was 12 and introduced alex to him when they where 14. They had been best friends ever since.  (That's why bobby was always 4th wheel)

-Reggie looks up to ray because his dad wasn't around alot and acted as if he cared more about work than his family.

Some ships that may be hinted at ALOT.
Julie and luke (obvi)
Flynn and Reggie
Willie and alex
Reggie and alex
Alex and Reggie.

Alright that's all.

Julie and the phantoms-my season 2Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora