Episode 1

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3rd person POV

Julie sat back down. "I can't think of anything."
She threw her arms up in the air. Luke sat next to her, placing his hand on her shoulder. Ever since Luke got the ability to touch Julie he hasn't stopped. He takes every opportunity. "Come on Julie! Our concert is in just a few days." Reggie said, polishing his red bass.
"Julie. You got Talent, we all believe in you."
She turned her head to look at Luke her heart ached at ho close their faces were. "Thanks Luke. WAIT. I got it."

She jumped up, reaching for her purple journal covered in stickers and her pencil. "What if, we play wake up?" she looks up at the boys with a big smile. "That's perfect Julie!" Luke jumped up.
"Yeah! It fills the hole perfectly" alex exclaimed.
Julie fell into the couch, still jotting down notes in her notebook.

"Okay so we'll start off with finally free and great then we'll play stand tall and we'll end it off with wake up.

"That sounds great. " Reggie said, causing the boys to all nod to each other. Luke beamed at the thought of soaking up all the applauses.

Julie looked down at her silver watch. " oh my god! I'm going to be late to school!"
Julie grabbe her bag and ran through the two big doors. "DON'T DO ANYTHING STUPID!" she said a she ran further and further away.

The thre boys stood awkwardly for a few seconds.
"We should go to the beach." Reggie smiled at the two, later blurring out with two.

7 hours later

"I'm home!" Julie came through the doors, knocking on the metal plates. Luke jumped off the studio, blipping to the ground next to Julie before he could hurt himself. "Finally, we've been waiting forever!" Reggie complained from the couch.

Julie turned her focus back to the brown haired boy infront of her. "Erm.. Luke can I talk to you.". She montioned to outside. A sure crept onto his gorgeous face.

Reggie and alex looked at each other giggiling like two little girls watching a boy band perform.

As soon as Julie and Luke walke outside, Reggie and alex ran to the doors, putting their ears to it.
"Move over. " alex pushed Reggie, causing him to tumble over his own feet. "HEY" Reggie jumped up, pushing alex back. They slapped and pushed each other.

"Wait wait. Reg, why don't I listen to them an I'll tell you what they're saying?" Alex suggested. Reggie started shaking his hea profusely.
"No. I'll listen than tell you. "
"No you'll forget or miss hear! " Alex shrugged.

"Why don't bother of you shut up and go away! " Luke gritted his teeth in aggravation. The toy boys looked at each other and bolted to the couch, acting like they had been there the entire time. Julie giggled lightly as the two and their stupidity.  "So Julie, why'd you want to talk to me."  Luke smiled.
The truth is Julie had nothing she wantedto say, she just wanted to be alone with Luke. Just her,  him and his perfect smile.

Her eyes widened as she tried to think of a subject that would be worth talking about just her and him. "So-"  
Julie turned her head to see Flynn standing with her arms on her hips. Julie looked back at Luke. "Sorry Luke I forgot I planned to go shopping with Flynn, I'll talk to you later than, okay."
He nodded his head, walking back into the studio. "
Luke wanted to spend time with Julie. Lately it's felt like she hasn't wanted to.
Flynn's had looked confused, he arms now to her side. "What wrong?" she asked.
"I can see Luke."
"Haha funny joke, now let's go."
"But jules I'm not joking, I'm being serious!"
Julie raised her eyebrow while pursing her lips. "Cmon Flynn let's just go."
Flynn rolled her eyes, following behind her.

Luke's pov
I frowned sorrowfully while watching her walk away with Flynn. She could've atleast told us she was going to the mall. I got a small devious plan. "Hey all be back okay." I looked at the boys.
"Don't go through Julie's stuff." Alex looked up at me with just his eyes, his chin still to his chest.
"Yknow I promise id never do that again, Alex."
"Yeah but I know you. You can never let things go."
"Alex has a point." Reggie joined in.
"Yea yea." I laughed, fading into Julie's rooms.

Clothes had been scattered all over her floor with a big brown chest opened. The bed had been at least nearly done. The pillows had been perfectly stuffed and the sheets tucked in. I gently laid down on the welcoming bed. I looked over to the dream box. I know I promised Julie and I know I told the boys that I wasn't doing that anymore.. But- I just had to.

I gently opened it with two hands. There was a new paper in there I hadn't seen. A took it out, gently unfolding it.

The title was in bold, written with blue and purple ink. "Perfect harmony"
I sat down, reading through the lyrics.
Step into my world
Bittersweet love story bout a girl.
Shook me to the core.
Voice like an angle I've never heard before.

The word we're written in blue. She said she wrote about her feelings. It must be a love song.
The paragraph that was under had been written in purple instead. It seemed it switch like that through the entire song.

Here infront of me.
They're shining so much brighter
Than I have ever seen
Life can be so mean
But when he goes, I know he doesn't leave.

It was a beautiful song for sure. It kind seemed like a duet. BUT WHO was it about. I scanned through the lyrics.

"We say we're friends, we play pretend
Your more to me, we create perfect harmony." I said aloud.

Who is this boy. I looked at he bed frame that had carved words into it.

we create the perfect harmony.

She must really like this boy. I'm happy for he but I can't say I wasn't jealous. (Because I was.)  I stuffed the paper into my pocket. I closed the dream box, poofing out.

Julie's pov
"Thanks for the ride Flynn."
"Yea yea, just get out of the car and go back to your cute ghost boyfriend."
"NOT my boyfriend" I pointed at her angerly.
She laughed, driving off.

I rolled my eyes, making my way up to my room. Today had been a long day, I'm sure a small nap would be of harm. I tucked my sheets and turned my pillows to the colder side. I grabbed the small box off my shelf, sitting down on my bed. I set down the box in my lap, digging through it.

"Where is it? Where is it?!"
I closed the box. I began looking into the creases of my bed, and then the shelf. I looked through the messy floor. Under every clothing peice. I looked through my jacket pockets. I clenched my fist until they turned white. "He wouldn't."

I ran over to the studio, sliding through the doors. The thre boys had been talking on the couch. Alex had been trying to balance one of his drumsticks on his his nose while the two other boys sat together, talking about guitars.
The boys went silent. He turned his head to Luke at me. "Did you go through my dream box?!"
Alex slammed the drumstick to the floor "dude!"
"I didn't! I swear Julie."
I believed him. I one Luke realize how much I hated when he has no respect towards my boundaries, he'd never do that again.

I slid down onto the floor. "What wrong?" Luke asked.
"Just lost something, that's all."
"OH, Julie guess what we got!"
He flashed to the loft. I wrinkles my eyebrows in confusion. Luke and Alex looked at each other with big smiles
He dug through practice bags. "Here!"
He waved two guitar straps over. "It had our names! And we also got Alex some sticks that has pink and white tape wrapped around it that spell out his name! Isn't that so cool."

He jumped around, waving the straps in the air.  "Flynn got them for us." Luke said, looking down at me. Reggie jumped from the loft. But he didn't blurr. His (dead) body smacked against the hard floor. "Reggie!"  I screamed.
The two boys jumped from the couch.
They had always been so protective over him, I guess it's because he's the youngest (and the dumbest)
Reggie Hold on to his shoulder as his face got redder and redder from him trying not to cry.
Alex and Luke ran over to him, picking him up and taking him to the couch. I remembered ghost couldn't feel pain, but Reggie had just sat there gasping for air, and the boys looked really worried. 

I stared down at him. The side  of his head had started to swell and bruise. 
"Why didn't you fade, you idiot!" Alex yelled.
"I-I tried, I just couldn't!" he mumbled, hissing at every word
I shared eye contact with the other two boys. "God, my shoulder hurts so bad."
I remove his hand, pulling down his sleeve.
I jumped back at the nausea from my stomach.

"Oh my god."

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