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Sulli P.O.V

I woke up at 6 am in this morning.I took a bath then I wear my school uniform.I went to the room of my dad.When opened the room door,I saw my dad sleeping.So I shut the door not to wake up my dad and left to the kitchen.I prepared some breakfast for my dad and me.When I finished my meal,I placed a bowl of soup at the table for my dad.

After I shut the door of my apartment,I took a peek of Jonghyun oppa's apartment.As soon as I'm ready for my way,I heard the sound of door opening.When I turned back and looked,I saw Jonghyun oppa smiling at me.I smiled back him.

Jonghyun-"Did you sleep well?"


While we are talking to each,e arrived the gate of my school.I felt sad a bit because I didn't want to leave him now.But I had to.I must study for my life.

Jonghyun- "We arrived.In the evening,I will wait for you at here.Come here when the is over.Ok?"

Sulli- "Yes,oppa.So I'm leaving now.BYE!See you later..."

When I went into the school,I heard the sound of some girls shouting.I looked at where the sound coming.


Those girls....They always shouted when they saw these popular guys.
Anyway,I 'm not interested on them.Then I walked to my locker and took my books.I wen to my class and I sat down at a chair beside the window.I heard the sound of these girls again.This was so annoying for me.

After the class,I walked the library to study.Along my way,I heard these annoying sound....I neglected them and continued my way.Suddenly I felt a hand dragged my wirst and run.Run away from the crowd........

Chanyeol P.O.V

I was running along the hall.Then I saw a girl walking.I took her hand and runned away from the crowd to stop the girls approching me.I thought the girl stopped when they saw me with a girl.But I was wrong,
they didn't stop.So,I continued running with a girl whom I didn't even know....

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