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Sulli P.O.V

Sulli-"Are you kidding me?"

Chanyeol-"No,I want you to marry me."

Sulli-"Yah..Stupid!Are you crazy?"

Chanyeol-"No,I'm not crazy.Please"

Sulli-"What about Jonghyun oppa? Now we are lovers."

Chanyeol-"Break up."


Chanyeol-"Break up with him."

Sulli-"I can't.I love him."

Chanyeol-"Don't say that!"

Sulli-"You are saying that impossible."

Chanyeol-"Do you like him that much?"

Sulli-"No,I don't like him.I love him!"

Chanyeol-"What am I for you?"

Sulli-"You are just a customer of the café that's why I treat you well."

Chanyeol-"What?You hate me that much?!"


Chanyeol-"You know how much I love you?!?"

Sulli-"No,you don't love me."

Chanyeol-"I know well about my heart!!!Everytime you said you loved him,you know how much my heart hurt?I realized that I love you when you rejected me."

Sulli-"But I don't love you."

Chanyeol-"Only one month."


Chanyeol-"Give me only one month. During a month,I'll try to make you love me.But I won't make the way that you can abase.I promise."

Sulli-"No,I can't.I'll pay back your money soon.I can't do that.I can't hurt Jonghyun oppa."

I left the park and went to the café.

Chanyeol P.O.V

She left me at the park. My eyes were teary....I cried hard.In my life, I had never cried that much.
This is the first time in my life....

How could she say that.....
She doesn't love me....
But I love her so much....
She can make my heart beat....
Her smile make me smile....
Her eyes make me stare....
Her words make me hurt....
She can change my life....
She created my true love........

I can't lose her...I can make everything if she'll love me....
Choi Sulli.....
You'll have to be my girl.......

Sulli P.O.V

When Jonghyun oppa returned from Busan,we went to work together.We were happy as nothing happened....I decided not to tell him what happened.I didn't want him to worry about me...

But I was wrong.The owner told him what happened.....
He was so angry with me now...He grabbed me outside the café.Now we are at the park...

Jonghyun-"Tell me everything!"


Jonghyun-"Choi Sulli,tell now!!!"

I explained about everything that about also between Chanyeol and me.He was so angry now.He punched the tree.

Jonghyun-"Park Chanyeol!!!How can he say that?Don't he know that we are in love?"

Sulli-"He knows."

Jonghyun-"What?!?He is so contemptuous to me.I can protect you.We don't need him."


Jonghyun-"I need to meet him."


I didn't want oppa to meet him.I was afraid of that stupid hurt oppa.But I can't prevent him.He had already left.

Chanyeol P.O.V

Jonghyun and I are in a café near my apartment.

Chanyeol-"Why do you want to meet me?"

Jonghyun-"Why do you want Sulli that much?"

Chanyeol-"Because I love her."

Jonghyun-"What?!I'm her boyfriend."

Chanyeol-"I know...You are her boyfriend...But you are just her boyfriend,not her husband...So,I can marry her."

Jonghyun-"What?!?How can you say that in front of me?!?She doesn't love you!"

Chanyeol-"I know.But I'll make her to love me."

Jonghyun-"You can't.She love me only.She won't leave me.."

Chanyeol-"Can you make her life to be beautiful?You can't.But I can. She can be poor if she'll marry you. She can't be happy."

Jonghyun-"But she love me...You can't separate us."

Chanyeol-"Yes,I can't.But you can."

Jonghyun-"What are you talking about?"

Chanyeol-"Break up with her."

Jonghyun-"Impossible.I can't..."

Then I stood up and kneeled down in front of him.He was shocked at my action.

Chanyeol-"Please,I'm begging you like that."

Jonghyun-"Park Chanyeol.Please stand up."

Chanyeol-"No,I won't stant up if you won' say that you'll break up with her."


Jonghyun-"I'll try...."

I looked up him and he handed his hand for me to stand up.I took his hand and stood up.


Jonghyun-"Yes,I'll try.I promise.But you'll promise that you won't hurt her.If you'll hurt her,I'll break that promise.Ok?"

Chanyeol-"Ok,I promise that I won't hurt her.And thanks."

He smiled at me and left....

Sulli P.O.V

I went back home alone.Before I entered my house,I decided to go to Jonghyun oppa's apartment.I knocked the door many time but one one reply.I held the door knob and fortunately it wasn't locked.So I came in.Unexpectly,I saw Jonghyun oppa kissing with a girl.My tears flowed down uncontrolly...



Sulli-"What are you doing now?!"

Jonghyun-"You see.By the way let me introduce you with her.She is my girlfriend."


Jonghyun-"I love her than you.No,I didn't love you.Sorry Sulli....."


Jonghyun-"Let's break up."

Sulli-"What?!Ok if you want to break up,let's break up!!!"

I ran away from his apartment and ran towards the playground near my house.As soon as I arrived,I fell down on the groud and I cried so hard.My heart was broken now..
Suddenly,I felt the rain coming.The rain beame heavy.I cried in the rain.After I had cried,I headed to stupid's apartment with my wet body.As I arrived,I pressed the door bell.Then he opened the door and shocked for seeing me like that.

Chanyeol-"What happened?"

Sulli-"I'll marry you."

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