night drives <3 (smut)

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it was dark and rainy.

the sun had started to go down a while ago

the sun wasn't up but it wasn't completely dark.

it was blue hour

"hey wanna go on a car ride w me?" kurt asked.

"right now?" i asked.

"yes cmon! we can get snacks and everything. it's just i haven't took a night druvr in a whilr" he says grabbing his jacket

"fine, but tmr kurt we're so getting you some fashionable clothes" i said getting my jacket and shoes on

"fine, but tmr kurt we're so getting you some fashionable clothes" i said getting my jacket and shoes on

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(our fit)

"what the hell is that supposed to mean" he says

"nothing nothing" i homr grabbing my keys.

he follows outside

"damn it's pouring out here isn't it" he says.

"i love rain" i said.

i tossed him the keys.

he fumbled a bit but caught them.

i got in the passenger sit

"it's so pretty out here i love blur hour" i said.

he smiles softly getting the car started.

"you have a very nice car y/n.. how is everything you have so nice" he asked.

"i work hard" i smike.

"noted" he smiles back.

he pulls out of my drive way.

"so where do you wanna go?" i asked.

"i just wanna drive" he says.

i turn on some music.

connect my phone to the car.

after dark - kitty    started to play.

i sat and looked out the window.

there was like no one one the roads to night.

i rolled down my window and held my arm out.

the chilly raindrops hit my arm.

"can we stop at the gas station? and can you run in and get me a vape and a slurpee?" i asked.

"y-you vape?" he asked.

"kurt.. i'm a 22 year old girl with a nose piercing- i'm ur stereotypical girl who vapes" i joke.

he pulls up to the gas station.

i have him a few 20s and sent him in there.

he came out with bags of random shit.

i knew i shouldn't have sent him in there himself.

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