Chapter Four: Overlooked

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Yui let out an exclamation of panic as her body collided with someone, sending their glass of wine flying. A pink blush dusted the girl's cheeks as she looked down at her feet in embarrassment. The stranger's glass of red wine lay shattered on the ballroom floor. Looking up, Yui was met with a stern look from a pair of blood-red eyes. 

No more thinking about blood or vampires, Yui thought to herself as she forced her lips into a smile. 

"I'm so sorry, sir..." Yui's smile disappeared as her eyes turned down to look at his suit jacket, which was flecked with red droplets. "Oh no... Your suit." 

"For someone attending such a distinguished social event, I would have expected a lady to have a finer knowledge of proper etiquette," the man stonily stated, shaking his head in distaste. "Honestly..." 

"I will gladly pay you back!" she offered, trying her best to not take his words to heart. 

Ever since she was a child, she had been put through many etiquette lessons. Her teacher had been quick to tell her father that his only child was not skilled whatsoever in this certain field. 

"I certainly do not think that someone like you could pay it back," the dark-haired man said as Yui let out a soft giggle. 

"Well, my family has a lot of money," Yui replied as she curled her hands in the overflowing skirts of her dress. 

"That only makes this situation even worse. How can the daughter of a highly-ranking family have such deplorable manners?" 

"From the way that you are speaking to me, I can only assume that you do not, in fact, want us to repay you," Yui responded as the young man's brow creased in consternation. 

"I do not take too kindly to any sort of back talk," he automatically replied as Yui let out a slight laugh. 

"You misunderstand me. I did not mean to sound like I was trying to be defiant." Yui's lips pulled into a smile, one that had been carefully crafted by her tutor. "By the end of this ball, I hope that we will meet again. At that point, I should have access to our money." Turning on her heel, the girl tried to slip away into the crowds. However, she froze when she heard him clear out his throat, peeking over her shoulder at him. 

"As eager as you must be to leave, I still need to speak with you further." 

"Is this about me bumping into you...?" 

"No. I merely noticed you from across the room, and I thought that you looked rather... interesting." 

Yui's brows shot up in amusement as she asked, "Is that supposed to be a compliment?" 

"Before you rammed yourself into me, I was heading over here to have a conversation with you," the man continued, ignoring Yui's previous question. "May I inquire your name?" 

"Oh, my name is Yui." 

"I would not happen to be talking to the princess, would I?" 

"N-no, I would not dream of impersonating her. I can assure you that some people have mistaken me for her, though." Yui could only hope that the man did not catch her brazen lie. To keep his attention away from her flustered reaction, Yui quickly asked, "And what would your name be?" 

As soon as he had told her that information, Yui fixed a brilliant smile upon her lips as she glanced over at the growing swell of people.  There could possibly be more vampires. They could be standing right next to her. A cold sweat made Yui shiver as she wrung her hands together. 

"Excuse me, Reiji. I do not mean to be rude, but I must hurry to powder my nose," Yui tried as she spun on her heel and hurried in the direction of the public washrooms. As she continued on her journey, she could practically feel the man's scarlet gaze burning through the back of her head. 

Yui closed the door behind herself as she hurried toward the sink. Slipping off her masquerade mask, she turned on the sink and splashed some cold water on her face. A small sigh left her as she finally allowed herself to relax, at least until she heard the strange noises that left one of the stalls. When the stall door opened up, Yui quickly pulled her mask back over her face. A blushing girl wobbled out of the stall, giving Yui a soft apology before escaping from the bathroom. A lilting laugh sliced through the air, which caused Yui to slightly jump. Her gaze flicked up to meet a young man's piercing green eyes through the mirror. 

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 18, 2023 ⏰

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