Chapter 2 - Day Off

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Your POV.

I woke up to my 5am alarm. That's normal for me I like to wake up and work out early so I got dressed and made my way out of the room. As I lock the door I turn and see Alex locking his too.

"Good morning Alex." I say tucking some hair behind my ear and smiling. He turns around smiling when he notices it's me.

"Good morning Y/N. Where are you off too?" He asked.

"Gym. What about you?" I said curiously as we both headed towards the elevator.

"Same actually." He said.

"What about Chris and Kushi?" I asked

"Kushi has to go back to Japan for a bit so he'll be leaving in a little bit. Chris is taking a rest day." He explains to me. "So I was going to workout on my own but since you're going to do you want to workout together this morning?" He asked as we made our way through the lobby.

"Sure. So what kind of workout are you planning on doing today?" I ask.

"Legs." He says simply.

As we start I our workout we each do 20 minutes on the treadmill, before we do some squats, moving onto leg press and a few others. An hour and a half later we head back up to our rooms. Before I opened my door Alex asked me a question.

"Hey what do you have planned for the rest of the day since we're off?" He asked leaning on the wall by my door.

"I didn't have any plans. I've never been to this city before though." I said.

"Really? I've been here a few times. I could show you around if you want." He said smiling at me. I smiled back.

"I'd really like that. What kind of places did you want to show me?" I asked.

"Well there's some cool record shops not far from here, there's a music store too, a comic book shop, and a few other places. So you get showered and dress comfortably." He said the smile never leaving his face. He pulled his phone out of his pocket and said "go ahead and put your number in I'll text you when I'm done getting ready too." He says. I take his phone and input my number texting it so that I have his number before handing his phone back. I pull mine out and save the number as a contact. Alex then pulls me into a hug and walks towards his door waving at me.

"See you in a bit Y/N." He winks at me before entering his room.

I step into my room as well and make it to the bath room. Stripping the sweaty clothes from my body and turning on the hot water letting it get to the temperature I want before stepping in. After the shower I got dried off and got dressed in some short shorts and a tank top. The weather was nice and warm. I stepped out of the bathroom walking over to the bed putting on my socks and shoes. Noticing I had a new message on my phone.

Alex :

'Ready whenever you are sweetheart.'

I blushed a bit reading that. I know it was nothing big but when a man like him calls you that how can you not blush at least a little.

I replied.

Y/N :

'I'm ready. Sorry for the wait.'

He responded quickly.


'It's no problem. I just got done with getting dressed myself. Said goodbye to Kushi a little bit ago.'

As I read that I headed to my door. Just as I got there I heard a knock so I opened it immediately to see Alex's smiling face. He was dressed simply in black knee length shorts, black muscle shirt and some sneakers.

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