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I grew up in a city much like this one. But where I 'm from it's different. It is louder and colder, and there s an unknown presence all around me and I can feel it everywhere. It's scary when I think about it too much. I mean if you thought people were following you. Would you be scared right? 

I am.

I'm Ali, and this is my story. The story of the Valex Fall's. I'm 14 and going into high school this year. I'm from Perú and liked my life there, we'll up until now. I live in Suiza City now. And my first day of school is in two days.

I'm not scared of high school, but I'm scared of people. I mean I'm known as the crazy suicidal girl in my family. That means I'm the crazy, suicidal daughter who has been to 8 mental hospitals. Attempted 5 times. It worked last time but seeing as I'm still here, They brought me back. I haven't been near a lot of people. And my meds make it so that I seem and act normal like a regular person.

But I don't know. It's different being in a place, with my history. And I know that I'm not normal, I'm anything but normal.

My family is normal. Their loving, protective, kind, and willing to understand me and what it's like for me. My sister is my opposite, she's loud, happy, and likes dealing with people.

Ahh, normalcy what it would it be like for a crazy bitch like me? In 4th grade is when I started to notice everything, the different ways to conjure spells, to lift curses. To know how to tell that I was becoming the first of a new generation of Celestials. 

Don't get me wrong being a celestial is cool and all it just means that I have to like certain people now don't get me wrong, I like people. To an extent. I just don't like people, if you know what I mean. I can deal with them. But would I care if one of them died? 

No. That's the truth.

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