Aoyoma, Kitto

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Aoyoma, Kitto

The story of Aoyoma Kitto begins in Sacramento, California with his parents Yua and Dimitri, one from Japan's coast and the other, an immigrant from Moscow.

After being stuck together for a university group project, they fell for each other and began their life together, moving from a small town in Nevada to Sacramento to hopefully make good money.

Dimitri Kusov had a passion for graphic design and was a talented one at that. He began working for a company, 9-5. Sure, it wasn't the most fun job, but he pushed through to support his future family. On the other hand, Yua Aoyoma worked from home being an editor for authors. Her passion was writing, and she was overjoyed to have it as her full-time career.

Soon after getting engaged, Yua was pregnant with her first child and after a rough 9 months, they welcomed their daughter Nari to the world. Nari had always been a head-strong little girl who took nothing from anyone. At that point it was just Nari and her parents, except one day coming home from the first grade her parents announced that they were pregnant again. This time with a boy.

Kitto was born on the 21st of January, meaning he is 5 years younger than his sister. His early childhood was as perfect as it could be. Although they couldn't afford much, the four of them were still happy.

Kit was a quiet kid in school, he only caused trouble when he saw someone was being treated unfairly or bullied. Those were the only times he got violent with people. He was a relatively good student but very talented when it came to extra activities. He did taekwondo, karate, piano, guitar, and chess. He loved busying himself and learning new things.


It was Christmas Day when Kit was 8 and Nari was 13 and their parents surprised them with something special. A new house, their parents had been saving money for a nice house that would fit everyone perfectly.

But they wouldn't get to see the future they planned in that house. While taking Kit to the new house while Nari stayed behind to pack hers and Kit's room up. They slid on some black ice and slammed into a barrier on the road then into a ditch. Both parents were killed instantly, and Kit was barely alive.

Because of his weird bursts of violent behavior at school and recent arguments with his sister, Kit was accused of killing his parents by grabbing the wheel and causing them to swerve and crash. Most people went with that story since Kit had gone mute with the trauma he'd experienced and never defended himself.

Since Kit was so young, he was placed in a rehab facility called Hermie's. This facility abused and neglected their patients, making money off their families. Kit was by far the youngest, by about 15 years. Kit's experience at Hermie's was quite traumatic, he was starved, groped, bullied, and abused. He spent 4 years there before it was shut down due to the abuse. After that he joined Nari and his aunt in Japan.

Kit eventually moved back to Sacramento on his own and finished his last 3 years of high school. During those years he met a group of friends who helped his survive high school, Jasper, Ryland, and Link. Kit created a band with them called 'Ice Vinyl', they played indie-pop-rock at local bars and other events. Kit wrote the music and did the main vocals and guitar, Jasper played bass, Link was on keyboard, and Ryland was on drums. They had fun playing and it was a good way for Kit to regain his voice and start to speak again. He also met a boy named Alix during this time.

Alix was his safe space and acted like an older brother for Kit, but through Alix he met his older brother Ezekiel. Zeke was charismatic but also very manipulative, getting Kit to fall in love with him even if he was significantly older. He got Kit hooked on alcohol and vaping and introduced him to street racing.

Kit loved the adrenaline and learned quickly, and he graduated high school, moved to L.A with Ezekiel and continued to street race for money as well as sleeping with some certain people. Nowadays he's miserable and incredibly depressed/ mentally ill. Zeke basically holds him hostage and practically uses him as a sexual pet, pumping him with alcohol, sometimes forcefully injecting him with crack or meth [depending what he can get his hands on].


Name: Aoyoma, Kitto

Nickname: Kit or Saika {S-eye-Kah}


Age: 19

Birthday: August 19th

Zodiac Sign: Leo


Sex: male

Gender: Cis male

Sexuality: Queer

Nationality: Japanese-Russian-American


Height: 5'6


Hair color: black

Eye color: dark brown

Piercings/Essentials: double lobe, septum, helix {left}, industrial {right}


Personality: One way to describe Kit is, abrasive. He's very much a brat, mean, blunt. He doesn't really have a purpose in life so he's just kind of living life day to day with no real motivation.


Past: See story



Nari {25}


D or S: he's a power bottom


Curser?: quite often


Kinks: Shibari, Wax Play, handcuffs/restriction

Turn offs: gross stuff



He speaks Japanese, Russian, and English

He was recently kicked out of his sisters house for almost getting her evicted

•Marcus {26} owns a garage and held Kit build his cars. Kit also stays with him every so often. They have a brotherly relationship

•Ezekiel {Zeke, 30} is his racing coach that he also has a sexual relationship with. No romance, purely training and sex. Zeke also gets him the cigarettes, alcohol, etc

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